
"Militarization of Schools": Russian children began to prepare for war - the media

Russian children will receive basic military training at the age of 7-8. Students will be taught to dig trenches, grenades and shoot weapons. In the Russian Federation, students began to prepare for war. This was reported by CNN. "The militarization of Russian public schools has intensified after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, driven not by a spontaneous outbreak of patriotic feeling, but by the government in Moscow," the message said.

It was noted that Russian schools began to glorify in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, create "voluntary mouths" from teenagers and change the school curriculum with a bias for the defense of the Motherland. In addition, students are taught to dig trenches, grenades and shoot weapons. In particular, about ten thousand so-called "military-patriotic" clubs operate in Russian schools. There was also a change of school textbooks in Russia.

In August, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the introduction of the Fundamentals of Security and Defense of the Fatherland in the school program. Within the initiative, they created courses that contained excursions military units, military-sports games, meetings with servicemen and veterans, UAV classes. In addition, students will be taught to use combat cartridges. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, this program is tested this year and introduced in 2024.

The Russians rewrite history, in particular on the cover of the textbook "History of Russia" the Crimean Bridge is located. They also created a new section dedicated to the recent history of Ukraine. In addition, there are sections "Falsification of History", "The Renaissance of Nazism", "Ukrainian Neonacism", "Russia is the Country of Heroes". According to the publication, Russian children aged 7-8 are already receiving basic military training.

Russian teachers who do not agree with new changes are released. In addition, some parents oppose this change in the school program, but most support. We will remind, on August 29 it became known that the invaders took seven tons of propaganda literature in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region. These books of the Russian Federation were guilty of Ukraine.