
Company with Russian Root "collection Dubai" tries to get into the Ukrainian defense market - the media

In the third year, a full-scale war in the sphere of the Ukrainian defense-industrial complex is trying to get a company with Russian roots "Collection Dubai", Glavred reports. The publication does not exclude that for intelligence. This is stated in the investigation on the site comments. ua. Journalists found that 51% of the Dubai Collection Shares belong to the citizen of Uzbekistan and Russia Ulugbekhokhon Maksumov.

And among the investors of the company is Adam Delimhanov - Ramzan Kadyrov's popchnica and a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, who participated in an armed invasion of Ukraine and was among the Kadyrovs during the capture of Mariupol. Photos on social networks, active communication with special services of the aggressor state, representatives of the Russian state apparatus and terrorists, write comments.

ua, testify to the direct connections of "collection" and the owner of this company with the Russian authorities. "Dubai collection has a dubious reputation related to attempts to avoid sanctions and cooperation with countries recognized by the international community as terrorists and with representatives of recognized terrorist communities. It is about the work of Dubai colleci in CIS countries, in particular Belarus and Chechnya.

Since 2014, the Dubai collection management has taken measures to supply armored vehicles to terrorists from the so -called "LDNR", - it reads the material. And now "collection Dubai" expects to get into the Ukrainian defense market by appealing the law of the contract for the production Ukrarmotech "commissioned by the State Border Service, according to investigators. Journalists say that this defense contract was closed, but its details somehow became known" collection ".