
Explosions to anxiety and hope for peace: how Ukrainians live under fire in Nikopol (photo)

Air anxiety in the central Ukrainian city in Dnipropetrovsk can last all day and as a result citizens cannot close their needs, because nothing works. In this case, explosions can also be heard to the siren, says local resident Olga. Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk region is located near hostile positions, so it is regularly fired by Russian invaders. The focus gathered information about the atmosphere in the city and what they think about what is happening, locals.

Over the past few days, the Russians have repeatedly attacked Nikopol with the help of various weapons, as stated by the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Sergei Lisak in his Telegram. On July 14, according to him, two people were injured through artillery shelling in the city. The 69-year-old woman received a current, because she came on the shells of the wire. She is in serious condition and doctors fight for her life. Also, a 70-year-old man received a fragile injury.

In a few hours new news from Nikopol came, which attacked not only the artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but also Drone-Kamikadze. The destruction was recorded at an industrial enterprise, a garage cooperative, and 13 houses were beaten. The next day, July 15, the invaders re -attacked the city in the Dnipropetrovsk region. A dozen drones and artillery hit private homes, garages and gas stations. The power line was also affected, but people were not injured.

Mayor Oleksandr Sayuk confirmed these data on his page on the social network Facebook. The focus spoke with Olga, who continues to live in Nikopol of Dnipropetrovsk region. According to the girl, the population of the city continues to stay sustainably and some no longer respond to explosions. In this case, life is complicated by a lot of air anxiety, because most services become unavailable for indefinitely.

"Some big companies oblige their employees at the time of every anxiety to close the premises, not to accept customers, but to go down to the shelter. Needs… There is often no factual shelling during anxiety, but they may well start in the run, ”Olga shares.

The shelter, according to the focus interlocutor, is in the city, and some business owners oblige their employees to go there, however, as already stated, the alarm can last most of the day, which is why "the whole area can fall into a stupor. " Olga says that there are a lot of destruction and damaged buildings patch as much as necessary.

The day before was the arrival near one of the supermarkets - the doors and windows were beaten, after which the glass was glued with adhesive tape or covered with plywood, and there was nothing to do inside, because it does not make much sense because of the frequency of attacks by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "Residential buildings are repaired the same - plywood out of the windows, the leaf of the tin instead of the roof.

But this is done by the residents themselves, so if they have left, the houses are broken. The authorities provide free construction materials for free, if you make a request," Olga shares. Nikopol Mayor Oleksandr Sayuk wrote on his page on the social network Instagram that the city continues to restore housing, which was damaged by Russian shelling. The fact is that people cannot continue to use their homes if they do not repair, so the authorities try to help the population.

The cost of materials are covered from the city budget, and in the published picture you can see several examples of restored buildings. In November 2023, the chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Mykola Lukashuk reported that almost 70% of people left Nikopol, because shelling continued regularly with the captured by the Russian -captured Energodar in the Zaporizhzhia region, located at a distance of 4 to 19 kilometers through the Dnieper.

It is a area of ​​lesion from both artillery and volley fire systems. Olga cites as an example of the word head of the district military administration Yevgeny Yevtushenko that the city left about 50% of the population, but is much smaller. "On the streets, in the bazaars (people, ed. ) As if it were not reduced. Although many spend the night in other areas of the region, and to work continue to go here.

Those who remain, just can't throw everything they have, and We know that we are likely to refuse to help as refugees, but we will not feel our own, and we will not feel more painful than we are here, ”Olga continued. At the end of the Focus interlocutor, she said that there were more and more people in Nikopol who began to bow to peaceful negotiations with Russia on all conditions, so that they "only did not shoot.

" At the same time, Olga believes that this will not save people from shelling, but will only "lose all the forces that the eleventh year will be laid on liberation from Russia. " We will remind, on July 9 it was reported that the Russian Federation changed the tactics of missile attacks of Ukraine for the sake of greater harm, which was written in Newsweek.