
The advantage of the Russians in the shells compared to winter has decreased: in the Ministry of Defense opened the details

First Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Havrylyuk noted that it is still difficult to compete with Russia in the production of military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The advantage of the Russian Federation in the shells decreased. If in the winter of 2023-2024 on the battlefield on one Ukrainian projectile there were eight Russian, now this ratio has decreased and is one to three.

First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Ivan Havrylyuk, told this on the national telephone "Unified News". "To date, the ratio of the use of artillery ammunition on the battlefield has decreased compared to the winter of 2024, when the ratio was 1 to 8. To date, it is 1 to 3, but still an advantage on the side of the Russian Federation," the official said.

He noted that it is difficult for Ukraine to compete with Russia in the production of weapons, military equipment and ammunition because the enemy's industrial potential is greater. It is for this reason that the efficient work of the state and assistance of foreign partners is crucial.

"Our agencies, government and management of Ukraine are doing hard work in the direction of creating joint ventures in order for us, through our partners, the ability to produce the entire nomenclature of weapons and military equipment we need," Ivan Havrylyuk added. We will remind, on September 23 the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov noted that in 2024 the share of domestic shells in the defense forces increased to 41%, although a year earlier did not exceed 18%.