
He wants to justify the escalation: the Russian Federation creates information conditions for the war against NATO - ISW

According to analysts, the enemy tries to influence foreign countries where the Kremlin jurisdiction does not operate. In particular, it is about the post -Soviet states. As a result, Moscow can use "violations of laws" for possible aggression against the event. Russia could start working on creating information conditions that would allow it to escalate against NATO countries in the future. This is stated in the report of the American Institute of War Study (ISW) of March 31.

According to analysts, the Kremlin is thinking that a conflict with the Alliance is possible in the future, so conditions that should be allegedly justify aggression are being created in advance. In particular, it is about post -Soviet countries where Russia has absolutely no legal jurisdiction. Moscow wants Russian federal laws in such states to be fully ensured.

"Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov stated on March 31 that Russia would continue to defend its right, contrary to international law, to apply Russian Federal legislation to NATO officials and post -Soviet states for their actions committed in their own countries where Russian courts do not have jurisdiction, Despite the recognition that the prosecution in such cases will be "unrealistic", - the reports said.

The analysts mentioned that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs previously wanted a number of NATO officials for the fact that they allegedly violated the laws of the Russian Federation. They were in the territory of their states. All this, is considered in ISW, may indicate that Moscow is conducting an information campaign for future aggression against the Alliance.

They deny the sovereignty of these states and are part of the Russian efforts to create information conditions that justify Russia's possible escalation against NATO countries in the future, "analysts summed up. We will remind, on March 27 it was reported that the Minister of Defense of Estonia told why the Russian Federation conflict with NATO. According to Hannovkur, Tallinn is clearly aware that the Kremlin will continue to be hostile to its neighbors and can arrange provocations.