
Have to decide Ukrainians: why the authorities talked about a possible referendum about the end of the war

The authorities are studying the moods of society - whether Ukrainians are ready for future talks with the Russian Federation on the end of the war. According to experts, this is why politicians say that there is no plan in the country in the country, and also allow for the organization of referendum on important issues. The country's military-political leadership is set to fight, since to sit at the negotiation table with the Russian Federation does not allow a weak negotiation position.

This opinion was voiced in an interview with Natalia Moseychuk by the head of the CH faction, People's Deputy David Arahamia. "I think no matter how the war is over, except victory, it should all take place through a referendum. If someone will sign something, and it will need to be ratified in parliament, there will kill each other. These things need to be done through a referendum. If the people I will say so, I will vote, despite the opinion of the Zakhun.

The politician added that in the spring of 2022, when the Ukrainian delegation went to Istanbul to negotiate with the Russian side, the Russian Federation was ready to complete the war, provided that Kiev would agree to neutrality in the issue of NATO accession. However, they did not go to it because there was no security guarantee. Today, according to the politician, there is no plan in the country how to continue war, how many people need to mobilize, how to carry out demobilization.

"If we take a plan of war now, we are waiting for him in the committee for a long time. We are not a military, we are civil control. The General Staff must count how many people need, so much money. There is no such money," the People's Deputy said. The current authorities used the mechanism of referendums. One of the most famous examples is "Five Presidential Questions" in 2020 during the local elections.

In the President's office, the initiative was called a "step towards direct democracy", which will help to find out what really thinks of the people about important socio-political issues. Among the issues that were interested in the authorities were, in particular, the use of safety guarantees marked by the Budapest Memorandum to restore state sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as a free economic zone in the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The referendum during the election did not receive a positive response in society. And the President's team forgot about the technology tested for a while. Since then, the most common instrument of "direct democracy" has become periodic "throwing" of discussion topics into the court of Ukrainians. According to political expert Igor Reiterovich, to study the moods of society, representatives of the authorities make statements, then wait for some time, what the reaction will be.

Then make a decision on how to proceed. A striking example is the recent social resonance, caused by talking about the President's elections in 2024 during the war. "The society was offered to discuss the topic, sociologists measured the mood - it turned out, more than 80% against, and in a few days the president said no elections. The same is done with the topic of future negotiations with Russia. It is an attempt to protest how society perceives such an idea .

The authorities do not know how to complete the war and tries to shift responsibility, " - explains David Arahamia's words about the need to hold Reitrovich's referendum. Political analyst Oleg Posternak believes that the strongest negotiating position of Ukraine was in the spring of 2022, when a delegation from Kiev went to negotiations in Istanbul.

At that time, the Russian side was ready to leave the territories occupied after February 24, 2022 in exchange for neutrality in Ukraine's accession to NATO. "Last April, Russia was ready to deduct the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya region. It was clear from information statements. The question was about Crimea and Donbass. Was it favorable for Ukraine conditions? Whether by the influence of Boris Johnson, or because of internal expectations that we can succeed by the military, everything has changed.

The rate was made on a counter -offensive in 2023. But successes were quite modest. Now against the background of misunderstanding between the head and OP, the authorities decided to start testing the idea of ​​potential Peace. Not to mention it directly, "Posternak notes. The country's leadership, according to the focus interlocutors, is in the acute phase.

The fatigue of society against the backdrop of possible reduction of assistance from the event and a radically -minded military top forces to look for a way out of the current situation. Politicians study different variants of events. In particular, they monitor the reaction of society indirect statements that the result of the war should be decided by the Ukrainians themselves.

According to sociology, more than 80% of people believe that the victory will come after the release of all the occupied territories of Ukraine. At the same time, according to the director of KISIS Vladimir Paniotto, the understanding of "victory" was formed under the influence of two factors - the success of the Armed Forces on the front and information policy, which is broadcast through the media.

Currently, Ukrainians are experiencing some disappointment in the results of a counter -offensive, which is probably also influenced by understanding of victory. According to Reitrovich, public opinion can change under the influence of various factors. In particular, statements that there is no plan in the country for further action. "In the near future, the authorities may ask whether Ukrainians agree to resolve through the referendum the issue of negotiations.

If most say - yes, you can continue to work in this direction," the expert says. The political scientist believes that Ukrainians are not yet ready to talk about peace talks with the Russian Federation with the loss of occupied territories, including Crimea and Donbass. Therefore, testing can be extended for a long period, and decisions will be made closer to the summer of next year or later.

Focus earlier wrote that according to sociology, the number of supporters of peace talks with Ukraine in the Russian Federation for the first time during the full -scale war, the number of those who advocated the continuation of hostilities exceeded. Focus also wrote that in Ukraine, there is still no clear understanding of what the war should end - a truce or a surrender of an enemy. Experts believe that Moscow's capitulation would be the best scenario.