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According to expert Vladimir Gorbach, Polish carriers who have ordered in Russia...

Blockade of Ukrainian trucks on the border: Interested both Russia and the Old Government of Poland - Expert (Video)

According to expert Vladimir Gorbach, Polish carriers who have ordered in Russia and Belarus want to seize part of the transportation market. Blocking of Ukrainian trucks in Poland can continue, as Polish carriers from a small association have received permission of local authorities to continue their action, and in turn the Old Government of Poland wants to earn political scores.

Vladimir Gorbach, the executive director of the Institute of Transformation of Northern Eurasia, told this in an interview with Focus. The expert explained that blocking the border for Ukrainian carriers is not at the decision of "all Poles" or even by the decision of "all Polish carriers". This is not the largest of numerous carriers, which interferes with their Polish colleagues to fulfill orders.

According to Vladimir Gorbach, this Association was engaged in a large -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine transportation in both directions in the Russian Federation and Belarus, so the interests of the invaders here are clearly visible. Moreover, the Association has some funding that allows them not to work, but to block roads. As the Belarusian-Polish border was closed, so they had to go through Ukraine.

And now, after transportation from the Russian Federation has stopped at all, the members of this association in this way want to detach part of the transport market between Ukraine and the EU, the expert notes. Of course, for such a purely economic interest, Russia's geopolitical goal is to quarrel with Ukrainians and Poles.

Moreover, now, according to the expert, there is a complete passivity of the Polish government to this problem, although the authorities of Ukraine have repeatedly emphasized on their readiness to work these issues. Local authorities also contribute to the continuation of the blockade by issuing permission to implement it, although the blocking of international ways is within the competence of the Poland government, not local communities.

In such passivity, Vladimir Gorbach sees the interest of the Polish government himself, which is currently undergoing a transition period. The old government cannot form a new warehouse after the election and this government should change after voting through the Diet. "The old Mateusha Moravetsky government takes care of how to clean up the shortcomings in their previous work," Vladimir Gorbach notes. "The question of the future they put on their successors and not much interested in them.

" Since Mateusz Moravetsky is in political competition with Donald Tusk, he can try to complicate his life with the next government by making more political points, the expert said. Therefore, it is advantageous for the old government to translate the consequences of this blockade into their political opponents. So, the expert notes, this is the situation. When Ukraine suffers from the internal political problems of its reliable partner.