
Venezuela published Russia by the Columbians who fought on the side of Ukraine - the media

According to a police officer from Venezuela's sister of the detained Columbian, the men attracted attention to the fact that they were dressed in the military form of the Ukrainian army. In the capital of Venezuela Karakasi detained two Colombians Jose Aron and Alexander Ante, who fought on the side of Ukraine, and after that men were extracted to the Russian Federation. About it writes Columbian newspaper El Tiempo.

Aron Astrid Medina's sister reported El Tiempo that lost her relationship with her brother on July 18, after the man told about his travels from Warsaw to Madrid. Aaron planned to go home to Colombia with a stop in Karakas. "He confirmed this when he said to my mother that he just arrived in Venezuela, that he would now get off the plane, which he would ever call and come home at 13:00, but there was nothing more," Medina said.

She also reported that on July 24 she contacted her brother's acquaintance, who is a police officer and lives in Venezuela. He stated that the Colombians had attracted attention because they were dressed in the military uniform of the Ukrainian army. "The government (Venezuela - ed. ) Is going to try to throw thousands of things to look good before the Russians, because the Russians are allies of the Venezuelan government," said the familiar police officer of the Columbian.

Aron's sister explained that last year her brother received a letter from Ukraine with a proposal to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces. As he served in the National Army of Colombia before, Jose agreed and went to fight on the side of Ukraine. However, he later decided to return. On August 30, the Russian propaganda edition of the TASS posted a video where the Columbians were leading the corridor of the pre -trial detention center.