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According to journalists, huge payments to Russian servicemen and their families...

"Died more": Putin created a strange economic model of death in Russia - Le Monde

According to journalists, huge payments to Russian servicemen and their families lead to "overheating" of the economy, when prices are rising rapidly due to the inability to meet great demand. Russian President Vladimir Putin created such an economic model in the Russian Federation, for which a man is more profitable to die so that his family has a good financial future. About it writes the French newspaper Le Monde.

"A strange economic model appeared according to which the dead Russian earns more for his family more than alive. In fact, if a man decides to go to war and die at the age of 30 and 35 years, that is, at the age of the age when he is most active and staying In the best form in his entire life, his death will be "more profitable" from an economic point of view than his future, "the material reads.

Journalists explained that the significant funds spent on the Russian military sector, including payments to the contractors and compensation to the families of fallen soldiers, create a financial "bubble" that delay the war. "Russian President Vladimir Putin tries to attract new volunteers to participate in the fighting on the front lines. The Russian authorities, both federal and regional, promise huge salaries, seductive social benefits and significant bonuses to attract recruits.

universities, social networks and television to encourage service, " - said in Le Monde. In particular, in order to attract even more volunteers, Putin decided to double the monthly cash maintenance of contractors from 195 000 rubles (1 910 euros) to 400 000 rubles (3 900 euros), 10 times more than the average salary in the Russian Federation .

In addition, in the case of death at the front, the military family will receive, depending on the region, space by Russian standards 11 million rubles (more than $ 120,000). According to Russian economist Vladislav Forentsev, for Russia a similar method of recruiting cannon meat is a novelty, because earlier soldiers were recruited in fiction about patriotic duty or simple coercion.

Now, before the average Russian, who earns an average of $ 200-400, there is a tremendous monetary temptation that often outweighs the risks for him. Journalists also emphasized that when admission to the service of Russian servicemen receive an additional one -time cash remuneration of 1. 2 million rubles (more A new elite ", assuming that one day their photos can decorate the desk of the student," - the material reads.

One of the side effects of leaving the population by LE Monde money has called an abnormal "growth" of the economy that is kept at an increased level of consumption. "This leads to the so -called overheating of the economy, when prices are rising rapidly due to the inability to meet huge demand - production capacity in the country is exhausted," the journalists explained.