
"It will be a demographic boom": Alexander Petrychuk about how to survive separation during the war - an interview with focus

Blogger Oleksandra Petrachuk in an exclusive interview with a focus told how she turned into a sexology from a lawyer, gave advice to Ukrainian families who, because of the war, were forced to live apart, and told whether it was necessary to introduce sexual education in schools in Ukraine. Oleksandra Petrachuk is a millionaire blogger who leads a blog about sex life.

Tell us why you chose this direction, because you are a lawyer by education? I was a brilliant lawyer, but once I went to a decree and lingered there for 5 years. During this period, I changed a lot, started reading social networks, saw bloggers, and felt that it was my calling. In addition to the profession, I have a vigor for writing, from childhood I have read many books, the love of which was instilled in my grandmother. She was an excellent student and studied a lot.

This influenced the further development of my writer's talent - working as a lawyer, I made such claims and refusal to register real estate (worked in BTI) that they could cry over them and motivate to move, collect all the recommended documents for successful resolution of the case. In a long decree, I realized that I do not want to return to jurisprudence.

In parallel, I had sexual problems with my husband - after childbirth, the desire for a long time disappeared and the sexual sphere went down to 0. I also did not get orgasm and enjoy sex. I was looking for a lot of information about this. In parallel in the decree, she began to blog. At first it was a lifestyle with a touch of esoterics (grandmother's influence affected my work on life - my works, posts, courses imbued with magical (erotic) in combination with expert).

Later, I took the topic that worried me at the time and started writing. I can very clearly and energetically convey my opinion and emotion through the text, the story into a harsh. People like my style very much - so the blog grows. Then I studied for a sexologist, graduated from the higher education institute in 2. 5 years, received a second education. She also received the education of intimate gymnastics coach. She became a champion of Ukraine with a pylon.

She released the author's lyrical sexual song she wrote. My blog has received many nominations as the best expert blog. Focus recognized me with an inflight in the field of relationships in 2021. Now is an inflight in the field of health and sports. I didn't stand still. This is very motivated to develop even more to overcome the demographic crisis in the country.

Are you originally from the Dnieper, where are you living with your family now? In Ukraine or abroad? Originally from the Dnieper, and I live in the Dnieper. At the beginning of the war, when a rapid offensive began, and after the news about Bucha, she gathered a baby and went to Poland. They lived there for 3 months and returned home.

Are you a married woman how does your husband treat such spicy topics in your blog and quite candid photos? What does your husband do at all? He puts fine, for which he is very grateful for him. I do not go to the blog - just like on other pages, where women are somewhere in the resort in swimwear, but in my performance it turns out very erotic, even if I put on a regular dress. So my image is transformed by readers and viewers. I have a lot of sexual energy.

I sincerely share it and saturate it with blog and everything I do (sexual dances, texts, physical activity, energy of admiration of readers, etc. ). My husband is the founder of private BTI.

He is engaged in real estate documents, in parallel conducts all financial and operational affairs for my businesses: sex shop (270 thousand subscribers), blog (1 million subscribers), advertising (cooperation, collaboration with brands, contracts, payments, banks, all questions)) , secular platform (courses, training, sex), chat bot for communication and dating Blur-our new project.

He also takes care of her home and daughter (she makes lessons with her, takes school and rollers - she is professionally. You have been married for 13 years. Did you have been crisis during this period and how did you live them? - This is the development of relationships. To the partner, selfishness, laziness, concentration on the negative, etc.

it is injected into a state of non -sexual thinking - and, as a consequence, deterioration of relationships, loss of desire, many divorces due to poor sex. Before that, it was "right", but then I learned that sex could be irregular The crisis was after the birth of a baby-sex went down for 0, for 3-4 years. The third crisis was when I started to blog, I had a lot of work and advertising integrations, I all plunged into work, and my husband resisted it.

I cried and said that for me it was a calling of my life, and without that I could not be able to do without it. He showed wisdom through love and began to help me. The fourth crisis happened when I started earning a lot. No longer Paul kept me, but I became financially independent, strong. This is a difficult thing at this moment, but love for each other and wisdom show themselves stronger and brighter. We found a balance.

What do you advise on family couples to keep sexual relations after 10-20 years of married life? To play sports, to lead an active lifestyle, to train the pelvic floor muscles - to include them in your daily exercise. The mother of a hobby, to develop as a personality and in a career, or in what brings the most pleasure and shows talent. Try to make your partner admire you, try to be always attractive and sexy to your partner - with a beautiful body, not lazy, working, responsive, attentive.

Trying for a partner, without thinking "what he is", do not go into this state of thinking. It is necessary to develop erotic space - to move into a state of sexual thinking, to make it part of your life. For example, mats, criticism and gossip are non -sexual thinking. Overtsease is a non -sexual outfit. Because sex is gender. It is necessary to emphasize the partner of your attractiveness - gender. Woman - silk long hair, natural breasts, skirts and heels. Education.

Man - courage, discipline, strength, balance and prudence, peace, ability to work and also education. We need to fantasize, develop your world of fantasies. Give up porn. Add imagination to sex. To know your path to orgasm and to constantly develop your knowledge in the field of sex, to try something new. In 2022, after a full -scale invasion, many Ukrainian families were forced to be separated and this greatly influenced their relationship.

In your opinion, it is necessary to maintain the relationship properly at a distance so that you do not destroy the family. That you can advise couples that have been forced to stay at a distance for a long time. The distance has disadvantages, but it also has advantages. Here you develop fantasizing and erotic. Because erotic lives where there is a distance and a ban that you want to break.

It is the expectation, knowledge and dreams of the day when you will finally meet - you will increase your sexual energy and help you maintain faithfulness. Use video calls more often than ordinary ones - they are very close and helped to overcome the distance. When I was in Poland - I had no feeling that there was no man nearby - we called each other there and communicated more often than at home. In addition, on the video call you can not only communicate verbally but also sexually.

Because penetrating sex, its predominance in 80% of people's sexual scenarios is a stereotype. Just at a distance you have the opportunity to move away from the trivial sexual scenario to other forms of stimulation and interaction. Here you can better develop your own erogenous areas, open up new ones, and improve communication skills with your partner.

My store has many sex-deways that are aimed at sexual communication at a distance (through applications in a smartphone and the ability to synchronize, there are many games and opportunities. Joint listening to erotic stories in applications, etc. ). Now many Ukrainian women are waiting for their men from the front. How to build sexual relationships for long separation? What prints do the stress they live daily? After a long separation, sex often will not be as sensual as it painted.

Especially if you were unable to maintain sexual relationships at a distance. This is called "sailor syndrome". After a long separation, especially from the war, a man should be given time to come to himself, to civilian life. In conditions of stress, survival, struggle in humans, there is a sympathetic nervous system that reduces the chances of having sex.

In order for a person to want to have sensual sex, it is necessary that the parasympathetic nervous system is turned on - it is responsible for pleasure, relaxation. This transition may take a certain period. Have patience, let the man just rest. Do not insist on sex (but to nourish his sexual and erotic attention, I advise very much: a delicious lunch, silence and an attractive wife will return the husband to a state of sexual thinking more quickly). Just show patience.

If a man did not have sex for a long time to return to the usual "civilian" rhythm, it will also take time. So, the main advice: delicious to feed, as well as peace, relaxation, unobtrusive seduction - and patience, patience, patience.

And also subscribe to both Petrachuk :) How do you think the sexual life of Ukrainians has changed since the beginning of the war? Do you have any statistics or research results on this? Yes, I can give you the results of anonymous survey in my blog (the Ukrainians voted): how the war affected your sex life: more sex has become 14% less sex - 53% remained as it was - 33% or you feel more stress Or anxiety that affects the desire to have sex? Yes - 72% no - 28% Do you have a permanent sexual partner now: yes - 82% no - 18% or external factors, such as separation from a partner or physical danger, on your sexual activity? Yes-70% no-30% you have an 11-year-old daughter.

Tell us about her. Do you tell her about sex life? How do you do this and what advice can you give your parents about this topic? My daughter is Christina ("God's anointed", "chosen by God"), though she is not baptized. We decided to leave for her the right to choose a religion at a conscious age, if she needs it, and she feels like a desire. Studies at a general public school, athlete, engages in rollers professionally, goes to competitions. I tell about sex according to his age.

This is information about changes in the body, the basics of reproduction, how to build relationships, friendship and mutual respect. That not all information on the Internet is reliable, and according to information, it is better to contact me or dad. That movies do not reflect real relationships. About personal borders, etc. Do you think it is worth introducing sexual education in Ukrainian schools? Why is it important to do and at what age? I think it's worth it. Necessarily.

But at the same time, I do not support gender policy. Ukraine is still forced to accept this with other international documents, including the Istanbul Convention, where gender identity is considered not only through biological gender but also through social and cultural aspects. The use of this concept popularizes the idea of ​​more gender than biological gender.

The Convention requires the States Parties to introduce educational and educational programs to help eliminate gender stereotypes and discrimination. For example, my readers are written abroad that they already have the gender of "broccoli" and more than 100 articles. That, having got into the city's "women's" toilet, my mother and daughter met a man who called himself broccoli.

I consider it an absurdity and the need for sexual education of children, which explain the biological differences of a woman and a man that sex is two, and gradually, according to age, expanding this knowledge. It is necessary to teach friendship, love for your body, to give knowledge of the body, menstruation, the basics of reproduction, how to make friends with boys, girls, about relationships with peers. Also, children at this age are interested in dates, courtship, friendship and love.

Experts should not stand aside and give these answers to social networks. Wise, through experience, professional knowledge to keep up with the interests of teenagers and carefully direct, calmly talk about sex. In this case, the answer for the child of each age will be different. Parents should also not stay away from this topic, do not make a secret from it, but quietly talk about sex, intuitively, as the teenager grows. We communicate with Christina about sex.

She knows about the menstruation, what changes occur in the girl's body during adulthood, how children appear, what sex is. That the mother of the sex blogger and the sexologist also knows. You have a lot of relationships and sex in your blog. Having such an audience, do you use your sites on social networks to help the Ukrainian army? How do you help, what volunteer activities do you do today? Of course, I use.

From the beginning of a full -scale war, I have been meeting and reporting it in my blog. Together with the readers, many drones, Maviics and FPV have bought, bought and set up cars, radios, old men, radio stations and more. Many of this-all this is in the eternal parties "Report-1", "Report-2" . . . There are hundreds of reports. I have awards, but here it is modestly silent.

It is better to say that the meeting we have a non-stop, so if someone wants to join in my collection-there is a jar in the eternal partisan. We collect mostly always in the eastern direction. There is a detailed report and receipts for each penny. She also made various fees for victims of explosions in the Dnieper. I believe that victory is soon.

I remain in Ukraine, I work for Ukrainians, and I believe that we will soon have a demographic boom, which I personally join daily for Ukrainians around the world. The war will end and we will live, in our descendants. Violence will be replaced by love and passionate sex. I feel this day absolutely accurately. The day of our happiness and prosperity. And I'll be there.