
There were 12 soldiers to be released: the DBR exposed the scheme of illegal demobilization from the Armed Forces

The DBR exposed the scheme of unlawful dismissal of servicemen through the fictitious registration of relatives. It cost a service of $ 2,000. The military and employee of the municipal enterprise of Kamyansk City Council "Center for Primary Health Care # 3" in Dnipropetrovsk region forged documents for dismissal of servicemen from service. This is reported at the State Bureau of Investigation (DBR).

For UAH 80 thousand, the dealers were issued to military falsified certificates of disability in their close relatives who allegedly needed supervision. And such circumstances, as emphasized in the DBR, are grounds for dismissal from military service. As it is noted, at least 18 mobilized services used such services, 12 of them have already been dismissed from military service. In addition, demobilized received payments provided by law upon dismissal of about 500 thousand UAH.

Another 6 soldiers submitted fictitious documents and waited for dismissal. During the searches at the place of residence of the persons involved, law enforcement officers revealed the fact of making about 150 counterfeit certificates, more than 30 counterfeit seals of various medical institutions were removed.