
Drones maneuvered: Humeniuk explained why Russia managed to hit Odessa again

According to Natalia Humeniuk, the head of the OK Press Center, most of the Russian drones occur from the territory of Crimea, and sometimes the east coast of the Azov Sea is also used. On the night of March 5, Russian invaders again attacked the civilian population of Ukraine. The military was neutralized by 18 drones-Kamikadze Shahd-136 of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but the trains in Odesa region could not be avoided.

Natalia Humeniuk, the head of the united coordination press center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, spoke about the tactics in shelling. According to Humeniuk, during a night blow to Odessa, the invaders again used "insidious tactics" when the UAV was maneuvered between residential and industrial quarters of the city. "Odessa this night suffered from a powerful drone attack, 18 drones were destroyed she.

Humeniuk noted that the enemy's strikes are hitting the object of recreational infrastructure, and private property was damaged. "The enemy also maneuvered in the area of ​​the suburb of Odessa. Considering that many facilities of port infrastructure were threatened in this direction.

Finally, the hit took place in the object of recreational infrastructure, several buildings were destroyed, there was a fire, but fortunately Due to the fact that the object has not been used since the beginning of a full -scale invasion, people have not been injured. However, the shock wave also damaged private property, " - said Humeniuk.

In addition, the head of the united coordination Press Center of Defense forces of the South stated that Ukraine knows where the "launchers" of Russian drones are located. According to her, most launches of the Russian Federation spend from the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea, sometimes also use the eastern coast of the Azov Sea. "This time the drones were heading from the Crimea and used for their journey by the Black Sea. Where there are similar sites - we have information.

Also, we are aware that the enemy organizes a powerful air defense of these objects because it understands that this is the main way of terror for him . After all, rocket attacks are almost folded, their use is complicated for it because of our pressure at its aviation. Hunting is underway, and no one has canceled the cotton season in Crimea, "she summed up.

We will remind, the chairman of the Odessa Ova Oleg Kiper reported that on the night of March 5 the Russians launched "Shahda", which attacked the Odessa region. In general, air alarm in the region lasted about three hours - from 23:33 to 02:47. The Telegram channel "South Defense Forces" said that the Russians managed to get to the recreational facility in the Odessa district: they assure that the object did not work.

In addition to the buildings of the boarding house, outbuildings and a pier were injured nearby. It should be noted that the previous air attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occurred on the night of March 2. The enemy attacked from the south and east: Kharkiv and Odesa was under the blows, told in the Armed Forces Air Command. The Russian drone hit a dwelling house in Odessa: the apartments where people were destroyed.