
Provocations of Belarus and Russia: The Polish Defense Ministry showed migrants attack on the border (video)

In September, 195 attempts of illegal crossing of the Polish-Belarusian border were recorded this year. The Polish Ministry of Defense drew public attention to continuing hybrid attacks on the Polish-Belarusian border by so-called migrants from Asian countries. The department published yesterday, September 24, on its page on the X (Twitter) archive video of such provocation.

"The attacks on the Polish border committed by Belarus were aimed at destabilizing the situation in Poland and threatening the safety of the Poles. Due to the increased presence of the Polish troops on the border, the plan of Russia and Belarus failed," the ministry emphasized. The Polish Military Department emphasized that the Polish army soldiers have been involved in supporting the Border Service and the police in reflecting hybrid attacks on the border for two years.

"They effectively stop the pressure of immigrants and prevent their uncontrolled entry into Poland. Polish soldiers not only help to protect our eastern border, but their presence is also intended to restrain the potential aggressor," the ministry emphasizes.

According to Candidate of Political Science, international expert Stanislav Zelikhovsky, who commented on provocations on the Polish-Belarusian border on Channel 24, such actions of Belarus are directly related to the war, which Russia has declared against Ukraine, and this is done to create a new Cell of destabilization on the border. "Similar invasions occur periodically. Recently, the border of Belarus wanted to cross 34 people.

This will continue until the invasion of Russia in the territory of Ukraine continues," the expert said. He is convinced that provocations began even when Russia has just pushed the situation and planned the attack, that is, since 2021. Similar actions served as a kind of distracting factor. "Therefore, their goal is to continue to distract the Republic of Poland from the situation in Ukraine, from help, etc. ," Zelikhovsky summarized.

There is already information that Poland will build new barriers in places where it was problematic, such as rivers or swamps to prevent penetration and more negative consequences in this situation. Provocations with Belarus "migrants" have been taking place periodically since 2021. Despite additional security measures organized by Polish border and law enforcement services, the situation is often exacerbated.

Aggressive newlyweds who seem to migrants not only destroy barriers on the border between countries, but also attack office cars, Polish border vehicles and more. As reported by Polish radio, only since the beginning of September 2023, 195 attempts of illegal crossing of the border from Belarus were recorded. In August, the Border Service of Poland has recorded up to 3,000 such cases.

The Belarusian oppositionist Pavel Latushko said that Lukashenko's regime would try to organize the surgery surgery on the border with Poland. It is based on a gradual escalation at the border of Belarus and Poland using mercenaries. Poland and Lithuania have long seen the threat in Wagner and so -called migrants, increasing security measures, but they do not plan to change the borders so far. The reason - the policy of humanity interferes.

We will remind, in August Latvia increased safety measures at the border with Belarus. Latvian border guards have declared an increase in the number of incidents with illegal migrants. Focus also reported that Ukraine and Poland will create single border crossing points. According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, joint customs and border control with EU countries will help accelerate logistics and minimize corruption.