
"We'll do it": The US and Russian Defense Ministers Told for the first time in a few months - the media

Journalists write that the heads of defense agencies of the two countries discussed the situation in Eastern Europe and Ukraine in particular. Previous calls to Moscow from the US was ignored. US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin has been talking to the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Defense Ministry for the first time. About it writes The Washington Post. It is reported that the details of the telephone conversation are not revealed by both parties.

Pentagon said Austin initiated a call and reminded Sergei Shoig of "the importance of maintaining communication lines in the ongoing war. " But the Kremlin only noted that the heads of agencies discussed "topical aspects of international security". Journalists write that Pentagon is entrusted to unofficial discussions with Russia and other opponents to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings that can provoke a broader conflict.

The material states that the United States has expanded their military presence in Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries in response to the war in Ukraine, and the lack of dialogue between Washington and Moscow has become a source of concern. According to US officials, the military "deconflict line" between the United States and Russia has cooled after invasion, and repeated calls to Moscow remained unanswered.

The Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, speaking at a press conference, said that Baiden administration made it clear that every time Washington has something important to inform Russia, it will be informed. "We will do it," said Blyen. Earlier, Focus wrote that the media showed how Ukraine would prove war crimes from the Russian Federation. Journalists showed photos of shell fragments and missiles firing Kharkiv region.

We will also remind that Russia loses 10 tanks daily from the beginning of the Armed Forces counter -offensive. In the last two months, the Armed Forces have lost 71 tanks, but they seized 194. That is, heavy weapons in Ukraine have increased, although usually there are more losses in the attacking side. It was also reported that Putin had put an ultimatum.