
Police State: Russians strengthen control over the population of occupied territories

Despite the fact that the Russian Federation has lost control of part of the captured territories, the invaders increase their number of police officers in captured Ukrainian cities. There are now about 52 thousand representatives of the Russian police in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. In addition, the Russians are going to bring 400 police officers from the Penza region to Ukraine, as reported at the National Resistance Center.

The publication states that in the last month only about 10,000 police officers went to the occupied territories. It should be borne in mind that after the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces in the Kherson region, the area of ​​land seized by Russia decreased significantly. Prior to that, about 1000 Russian police officers went to the service of Ukraine from Tiagtytti of Samara region.

The national resistance center suggests that local collaborators were unable to establish control of the population, which was why they lost the trust of the Russians. The authors of the article note that the Russians try to turn these territories into a police state. The report also stressed that similar principles of working with the population are inherent in fascism. We will remind that all the police who remain under the occupation will be judged as traitors.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine stated that most of the heads of police departments moved to the regions controlled by Ukraine, so as not to cooperate with the occupiers. Focus also wrote that in Izium, a co-laborer police officer tried to escape during detention and came to a mine. After a mine, he was left without a foot. During the occupation of the city, a police officer helped to "patrol" the territory and hand over patriotic residents to invaders.