
Continuous black smoke: Admiral Kuznetsov's aircraft carrier has a problem - media

Despite the disadvantages of a ship that uses outdated technology, Russian officials diminish the problem, and black smoke explains marine traditions. The only Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" is known for its numerous operational problems, in particular the refusal of engines, expensive repairs, fires and constant emissions of black smoke. The aircraft carrier has poor pipeline and boiler system. The National Interest writes about it.

The Russian aircraft carrier often encountered the breaking of boilers, which reduced the speed of the ship to 4 knots and demanded the assistance of the tugboat, as it was during the 2012 case near Syria. Despite these shortcomings, Russian officials diminish the problem, and black smoke explains marine traditions. Unlike American aircraft carriers, the atomic energy, Kuznetsov's dependence on fuel oil reduces its reliability and operational efficiency.

The aircraft carrier works on fuel oil, sailors consider it harmful, sticky, they say that it is almost impossible to remove from clothing. This heavy petrochemical product was a standard fuel for military and commercial ships in the 1970s, mostly because thick viscosity gave high energy compared to lighter distillates. At the same time, there were many drawbacks in the fuel oil, so most new vessels were equipped with nuclear or gas turbine engines.

But not Admiral Kuznetsov, which lowered the USSR on the water in 1985, almost 20 years after the industry abandoned the fuel oil. Today, the aircraft carrier serves as a vivid reminder of why such a turn. Low -quality fuel emissions, such as fuel oil, usually produce a large amount of sulfur and have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Fueling fueling is a complex process. The fuel should be pre -heated and compressed with a complex system of boilers and pipes.

Therefore, when using fuel fuel boilers, which are properly operated and the pipes are absolutely necessary. However, on the Kuznetsov there were low quality pipes, through which the ship was doomed. Because of this, Kuznetsov could not constantly operate all his boilers at full capacity. The boilers often fail, and operators have to switch between those who work. Sometimes the ship is forced to use only one boiler that allows it to move at a speed of 4 nodes.

To accompany a low -power and unreliable "Admiral Kuznetsov", tugboats are often sent. In 2012, after returning from the coast of Syria, this ship completely lost its power - it was likely that because of the boiler the boiler had to be pulled home behind the Russian tug "Nikolai Chicker". Kuznetsov needed an accompaniment for 4345 km, which was tried to hide from the rest of the world in the Russian Federation. Black smoke is a consequence of a poor quality pipe and Kuznetsov boilers.

This is a probable summation of improper calibration of pre -heating or injection mechanisms. Thus, the fuel fuel fuel oil did not have time to burn completely. Russia regularly delayed the problem of smoke on Admiral Kuznets. For example, the Russian military commander Ivan Vasilyev explained the black smoke with marine tradition, which allegedly announced the presence of Russians.

Why in Russia they decided to create a aircraft carrier on a fuel oil in the 1980s, when nuclear and gas turbine variants were already available, remains a mystery. American aircraft carriers, built at the same time, relied solely on the energy of the atom. It should be reminded that NATO demonstrated its tactical nuclear capabilities, as the journalist of The Nation Interest, Stavros Atlazoglu, wrote in his article about NATO NATO NATO NATO NATO.