
In the Russian Orsk dam broke in another place: an emergency evacuation (video) was announced

The evacuation of the population continues in the region. More than four thousand flooded houses are known. Kremlin head Vladimir Putin instructed the governor to immediately arrive in Orsk to eliminate the consequences. In the Russian Orsk, the dam broke in one place due to a sharp increase in water level in the Ural River. About it reports the Russian news telegram-channel Shot. The second area of ​​the city was threatened with flooding.

Eyewitnesses reported that the dam broke in another place, which is why the water arrives at the village of Nickel at a rapid pace, where they have already launched a sirened evacuation alert and an extraordinary event. According to Russian publications, local residents are urgently evacuated from flooded terrain. 1121 people, including 331 children, were taken out of Orsk. As of the evening of April 6, 2024, more than four thousand houses that have completely gone underwater or partially flooded.

Meanwhile, Russian President Volodymyr Putin instructed the MOE to the Ministry of Emergencies Alexander Kurenkov to fly urgently to Orsk to eliminate the consequences of the breakthrough of the dam. On April 5, 2024, through the largest flood in history, a dam on the Urals River in Orsk. Due to the scale of the emergency, the village of Nickel, Forest Trade and Builders and the Old Town of Orsk himself were threatened. "The situation in the city is deteriorating.

There is water access to the surface. Where people and homes live. Today, the water has risen 4 meters in a few hours," Vasyl Kozupitsya may have commented the breakthrough of the dam. At about 20 o'clock in the evening on April 6 (Kyiv time), the Russian Ministry of Emergencies reported another breakthrough of the bulk dam in Orsk. We will remind, in Orsk began to evacuate people due to an emergency with a breakthrough of the dam.