
The Ukrainian family moved to the UK for the second time, escaping from war (photo)

According to Max Brazchuk, the last half years in Ukraine have been particularly difficult. The UK resident Sarah Epch, in turn, noted that the British are now less aware of the war in Ukraine than before. The Ukrainian family was forced to flee to the United Kingdom for the second time. Yulia Brazchuk and her children-13-year-old Max and nine-year-old Sergei-in 2022 moved to Rersbury (Wiltshire County) and stopped at a local resident of Sarah Ep. About it reports BBC.

Subsequently, they returned to Ukraine to reunite with their father and sister, but as Kharkov's shelling increased, they were forced to go to the British islands again. According to Max, the last half of a year in Ukraine have been particularly complex, "many bombardments". "It was quite loud, sometimes we could not sleep - sometimes there was no hot water or light," he explained.

"They are, in fact, our Ukrainian family, we cannot leave them in this dangerous position," said Sarah Epch, whose Kharkiv residents lived earlier. When the shelling intensified, Yulia Brazchuk contacted Sarah end at WhatsApp. "It came to what I told her," Do you need to go back? "Last time they had a special status, now he is gone," the British explained.

Nine -year -old Sergiy was quickly arranged to a local school, but Max already needed a high school where they were recorded while following the queue. Fortunately, one place has been fired, and this week he returns to the desk. To find a new home, Sarah Eastch became a "guarantor", which leased the homeowner. According to the British, now the inhabitants of the country are already aware of the war in Ukraine compared to 2022.