
We need our "Henry Ford" from drones: the Russian Federation is more successful in the release of massive UAVs - expert (video)

Our drone developers should successfully combine existing technologies and combine with their own vision of the foam. But the most important thing is to run them in serial production as quickly as possible, says Veteran Yevgeny Wild. We do not have time to develop some fundamental things that will then change the course of war (laser weapons), and we need to take existing developments, successfully combine them and establish their mass production.

In an interview with focus, military expert Yevgeny Dyky, who was serving in the Aydar battalion and is now the head of the National Antarctic Scientific Center. Such things do we do: look for what and where it is, how it can be used, a little upgraded and launched into production. In Israel, it was the same, to Roc, says the expert.

But between the wars, when the Israelites knew that the enemy would still attack, they developed scientific military developments and invested in things that, although they would not shoot immediately, but would give a powerful result in the future. "I do not know how fast we can renew rocket construction, but we will definitely have to do it," says Yevgeny Wild.

"We all remember that the Soviet intercontinental missiles" Satan "(R-36M) released our" Yuzhmash " And they produced their close 100 a year. Maybe we cannot renew such production right now, but all the opportunities for this are the rocket industry can and we need to develop. " Moreover, Eugene emphasizes, successful development is made about winged missiles, to take the same "Neptune" for example.

He proved to be well in combat missions and a new generation of Neptune-2 has been developed now, which is also adapted for landing for terrestrial purposes. With drones the situation is somewhat simpler. We now have close 200 teams that are engaged in drones, and they are not fully focused on scientific developments, because it is not necessary during the war. Their tasks are to combine the existing technologies and combine with your own vision of the freehead.

But the most important thing is to run them in serial production as quickly as possible, because drones are taken by their mass. "Unfortunately, in this sense, the occupiers are overtaken, although at the beginning of the war lagged behind," says Eugene Dyky. "And the reason is simple: although our drones are more technological and more advanced, Russian UAVs on the basis of Iranian development can be released more massively than us ".

The expert notes that, of course, we were knocking down the Iranian Shahd-136, on which Garani was almost written. But now in the half of these drones, the Russian components, that is, the occupiers have managed to take a successful development and establish their own production, which we need to do urgently to us. Unlike the Armed Forces, which have hundreds of latest developments, the Russians have only a few really mass models, says ATO veteran.

But these three models are massive, which the army of the Russian Federation can receive in large numbers. This is exactly what Ukraine should focus on. "Every developer is trying to promote his own development and it is good and necessary in peacetime. Competition is a mechanism of development," says Eugene Dyky, "but it seems that we have solid kulibins, but there is no Henry Ford, who beat the simple Effective and, most importantly, the mass model.