
Within the artillery of the Armed Forces: from Tokmak began to evacuate the special services of the Russian Federation - MP (video)

According to the representative of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council of Askada Ashurbekov, earlier the enemy used the city as a base for the accumulation of living power and ammunition. Now they do not have this opportunity, because the Armed Forces during the counter -offensive became even closer. Russian special services began to gradually evacuate from a temporarily occupied Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region.

This was stated by the deputy of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council of ASKAD Ashurbekov on the air of the TV channel "Espresso" on September 18. According to him, Tokmak is already in the area of ​​reach of the Frequency Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so the Russians make a decision to leave the city. So far, we are talking about special services. "Tokmak is one of the key centers for the occupiers. The enemy used the city as a base for the accumulation of ammunition and living force.

The promotion of the Armed Forces in the south is already able to beat the logistics centers and the accumulation of occupiers. authorities. Despite the fact that Tokmak has not yet been released, our military has already solved an important strategic task, " - said Askad Ashurbekov.

Separately, the deputy of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council noted that as a result of the promotion of Ukrainian troops at the front, Tokmak is less likely to use Russian invaders as a base for military and ammunition. The Armed Forces can already get from the artillery in the occupied city, which as a result significantly reduces the defensive capacity of the enemy. "The Russians can no longer accumulate a large number of ammunition close to the front line.