
Alliance loyal to Putin. Will the EU parties be able to block assistance to Ukraine

The increased advantage of right -wing parties in Europe, caused by a deficit of leadership, is an unpleasant trend, but predictable. Some of such politicians in Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary are open and loudly opposed to assistance to Ukraine. Can the role of such forces intensify, and with whom can Ukraine cooperate with? Recently, elections to the European Parliament have been held in 27 Member States of the European Union.

And although the pro-Ukrainian majority remained after the results, the right still had success, which led to turbulence in individual countries, including France and Germany. In addition, a number of forces in the European Parliament have already decided to unite. It is about the Austrian Party of Freedom (FPö - leader Herbert Kikl), Czech Ano Party (leader - Andrey Babish) and the Hungarian Party Fidesz (leader - Victor Orban).

They declared the creation of a separate block called "Patriots of Europe" and collects for it. What is happening in European countries and as the right political alliances can influence Ukraine by Ukraine by the European Union. Over the past few months, the sexual forces and leaders have won the national elections. The extreme case is France. Last weekend, the first round of parliamentary elections took place, and 33% gathered Marin Le Pen National Association.

It will fight for this weekend for the majority in parliament. Representatives of the mentioned political forces in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and France have repeatedly expressed support for Moscow and approved Vladimir Putin's actions. "The lift of Le Pen in France is a great gift of Putin," - wrote after the election announcement of the results of Bloomberg.

Therefore, one of the key goals of these political forces may be an attempt to stop helping Ukraine and pushing for peace talks with the Russian Federation. "Europe has covered the" right "wave. It will influence the decision on the security of Ukraine, weapons, money and accession to the EU of our country," - said former Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin.

He notes that it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that they will influence all decisions about Ukraine, so you need to learn how to talk to them. "The right wave in Europe will not stop, France is only part of it. It will not wash Europe, but will be noticeable for a long They do not suggest that leadership deficits in Europe are off the chart, " - said Pavel Klimkin. He emphasizes that it is worth looking for ways to understand with a part.

"Of course, not with those who finance from Moscow, but with everyone else. After the war, we will have a considerable space for those who consider themselves right. It is important that they find common ground with other European right ones," he explains. Political expert and head of the Center for Public Analytics "Tower" Valery Klochok in conversation with focus says that it is too early to say that the right will have a significant advantage in Europe. "In particular, in France.

I do not divide this overgly concern about the fact that there will be crucial to the right. Earlier. The EU Parliament has already formed a majority of liberals, Democrats and the Social of Democrats. At the same time, Klocho notes that France is slightly different from the European Parliament. "But Macron's skills cannot be underestimated," he assures. "His decision to dissolve the national meeting was very bold. But in order to draw conclusions, one must understand the whole context.

The French Republic is a presidential, where the president has a lot of authority. But this is a classic world. Democracy, where decisions are made not by President, but by a bicameral parliament, as in the United States. It seems that it has not been made. Macron, especially against the backdrop of protest stocks, which was staged by farmers could not be easy for him.

" It can be imagined that Le Pen with those who share her right views will receive the majority - but the final decisions are made by the President. So we will see the fight. And not only with Macron, but also the young Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, a one -party member of Macron, who only now declares his future political ambitions. In the end, Macron and Attal hope that they will be able to destroy or reduce Le Pen's chances to finally win in the presidential election.

As for Ukraine, on the eve of Le Pen's elections, indeed, she said that in the event of a victory in the election, the French military to Ukraine will block the election. "And this position is good macron. He also, despite the loud statements, understands certain risks. And Le Pen gives a convenient opportunity to try not to fulfill the promise of Le Pen's hands and then hang all the dogs on her, saying why France did not help Ukraine. This discussion. It will continue and gain momentum in Europe.

, - Klocho thinks. He notes that the tendency of the right in Europe is viewed not only in France, but also in Austria and Germany. But in general, the right is unlikely to seriously affect the balance in Europe. However, it is a thin game in Europe and Ukraine is unfortunately its tool. If we talk about the internal context, the right will try to implement a policy known in the EU for a long time. For example, about migrants.

"Because the situation in Europe, in particular, in Britain, will push governments to make unpopular but right -wing decisions on migrants. It is about limiting the movement of migrants to their countries, obtaining social benefits, and more, in order to find the commitment of their voters. Like, multiculturalism is OK, but it often harms the stability and sustainability in the state. What will happen in the Ukrainian direction - now you can only predict.

"If Le Pen wins in the second round, the macron will have problems, despite his sufficient independence," says the diplomat Alexander Hara. " can be struck. " But even if Le Pen is gaining weight, it is not easy to predict its steps. The right parties in Europe differ from each other. For example, an "Alternative for Germany" is a political force that sympathizes Putin, while far -right in Italy have a pro -Ukrainian position.

"Italy is also right in power and also worried that Meloni would listen to their allies in the coalition, which are pro -Putin in its essence. But this did not happen, Meloni supports Ukraine. It is necessary to look at every country, and in every country there is different weight . For example, Hungary, which constantly puts on the wheels, but its contribution to the EU and the EU is not a critical threat to us.

In special services, it will not be so clearly demonstrated by Putin's commitment, "Khara adds. Globically, Europe is generally aware that there are both internal threats and internal, related to the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation. Europe is militarized and tries to help Ukraine constant.

During the EU Summit, when discussing the importance of creating a special fund for the financing of the MIC, only neutral countries did not agree, but even those who are considered to support the Russian Federation did not deny. It is economically profitable for Europeans - you can get an order and open new jobs. "Le Pen was not accidentally condemned by Putin on the eve of the elections. She realized that she could not support the policy of supporting the terrorist and aggressor.