
Britain tends Germany to provide Ukraine with Taurus missiles - Bloomberg

According to journalists, high -ranking British ministers and officials have repeatedly made it clear that Ukraine needs its Taurus missiles. The British side has put forward Germany, which, in their opinion, can provide Ukraine with more cruise Taurus missiles. If Berlin does not show interest in this embodiment, there is a clear alternative. Bloomberg writes about it.

Britain proposed Germany, which includes a mutual exchange agreement, according to which the United Kingdom will increase the supply of Storm Shadow's own missiles to Kiev, and then Germany will provide Ukraine with long -range missiles instead. Leading British ministers and officials clearly demonstrated Germany that Taurus produced by Germany is extremely important for Ukraine.

"The behavior of Scholz has shown that in terms of the security of Europe, he is not the person, not in the position, not at the time," - said former Defense Minister Ben Volles. During a meeting with citizens in Dresden on Thursday, Scholz explained his position, noting that Germany could not supply a weapon with a range of 500 km to Ukraine, as this can pose a threat to the region, including Moscow.

He emphasized the importance of knowing where such a weapon can be directed, and expressed his belief that this can only be done through the active participation of German troops in the control of goals. This testifies to the wider dispute that has developed between the United Kingdom and Germany because of the obvious mention of Scholz this week that British and French troops help Ukrainians use systems of long -range weapons against Russian goals.

"What the British and the French do to control goals and concomitant goals cannot be done in Germany," Sholt said on Monday. Some British legislators have regarded these comments as Scholz's public commentary on the secret activity of British soldiers in Ukraine. "A small number of personnel" "supports the Armed Forces of Ukraine", said Prime Minister Richa Snak Dave Parez on Tuesday, without notifying the details.

We will remind, on February 22, the German Bundestag voted for a recommendation that calls for additional assistance to Ukraine. It is, in particular, about the provision of Taurus long -range missiles. For his part, Olaf Saltz, on February 26, once again opposed Ukraine's Taurus missiles, explaining his position with the risk of drawing Germany into war with Russia. He stated that he was annoyed by the lack of balance between the fact that Kiev is really needed and the Taurus missile discussion.