
NATO in the Baltic States. New British Challenger 3 tanks already almost on the threshold of

The latest British Challenger 3 tanks, along with other weapons systems, will be deployed in Estonia as the limits of NATO's eastern flank. The UK Ministry of Defense has confirmed that the Challenger 3 tanks will reached full combat readiness by 2030, and the first deliveries are expected by 2027. The 66-ton Basic Tanks (VTTs), armed with 120-mm L55A1, will eventually be replaced by Challenger 2 tanks.

Focus translated the article of American journalist Peter Suceu about the new British Challenger 3 and his combat ready. The British Ministry of Defense (MO) has confirmed that the Challenger 3 program is on the way to full combat readiness by the end of the decade, and the first tanks will be armed with less than three years. After the British army receives upgraded basic combat tanks (VTT), it will send some of them to Estonia to strengthen NATO's eastern flank.

"The Challenger 3 program is an important program that is moving on a schedule and has to reach the initial operational potential in 2027 and full operational potential in 2030," said Luke Pollard, Deputy Minister of Defense in Parliament, in an interview with the British magazine Defense Journal. at the beginning of this month.

Pollard confirmed that the strategic defense inspection of the MO "will" determine "priorities for the development of the potential of the tank, which will replace Challenger 2 - the last in a number of VTTs of the British army. Challenger 1, which was named from the MK VIII Challenger Cruiser, was presented in the 1980s, and Challenger 2 was armed in 1998 and first participated in hostilities during the 2003 war in Iraq.

"Experts will regularly report on the work before the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Treasury and the State Secretary of Defense and will present their final report with recommendations to the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Defense Minister in the first half of 2025," Pollard explained. The weight of Challenger 3 is 66 tons, and the crew consists of four people, including commander, gunner, charging and driver.

It is equipped with all-rise night and daily sights, modern communication and armed with a 120-mm smooth-bore gun L55a1. The transition to a smooth -bore gun will increase NATO's prompt compatibility. However, this will require the development of kinetic energy shells, since the smooth-bore gun is incompatible with rifles used on Challenger 2. The second tool is reported to be a coaxial 7. 62 mm machine gun L8A2, installed on the left of the main gun, and on the left. The tower can be installed 7.

62 mm machine gun L37A2. Two challenger 3 prototypes are built today, and six more will be made in the coming months. According to Army Recognition, the first supplies of the pre -production VTT began at the beginning of this year, and trials with combat firing began in Germany in April. The British Army will be able to operate about 148 such tanks that will gradually replace the outdated challenger 2.

At the meeting of NATO defense ministers held last week in Brussels, the UK's Defense Minister John Gili signed with Estonia Defense Minister Hanno. Strengthening the eastern flank of the International Defense Alliance. Within the NATO regional plans, the British army directs its 4th Brigade to Estonia during a crisis or conflict, while maintaining high readiness in the UK.

Two countries will also work on "preliminary placement of reserves and equipment of the brigade in Estonia to provide rapid mobilization as needed. The United Kingdom will place advanced platforms in Estonia, including Archer's self -propelled howitzers, Boxer and Ajax archer transporters, as well as chalner 3 tanks.

reports Defense Industry Europe, and adds: "Since 2017, the United Kingdom has also constantly placed a combat armored group integrated into Estonia in Estonia into the 1st infantry brigade of Estonia Defense Forces. " The 4th brigade will follow regular training for strengthening, in particular, for the next year, Gedgehog 2025 large-scale exercises.