
More ideological than "Wagner": The military showed the first recruitment of prisoners to the Armed Forces (photo)

Army agitators who communicate with prisoners note their greater ideological motivation than in Russian "Zecs". The Armed Forces representatives met with prisoners to tell about the opportunities of service in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. Men who participated in the meeting were more ideologically tuned than the Russians who were sent to the Wagner PEC from the colonies.

Dmitry Savchenko, Deputy Chief of Staff of the 1st Separate Separate Store Battalion, Dmitry Savchenko told about the details of the mobilization of prisoners. Savchenko explained that the military, when they came to the Ukrainian colonies, began to speak with prisoners "understandable in them", since some of them had time to visit "on both sides of the barricades. " He is convinced that prisoners in Ukraine are more ideological than "Wagnerivtsi".

In his opinion, the first meetings show that not only "Prigogine and Utkin" can successfully agitate these people (now the late heads of PEC "Wagner", who recruited "Zecs" to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2022-23). "Underground, hard labor, resistance . . . Everything in the name of Greater Ukraine! And our five orders of orders are more ideological than Swallow Wagner," Savchenko wrote. The Da Vinci representative also showed two photos from the meeting with prisoners.

The photo can see about 50 men of all ages who serve sentences in an unnamed correctional colony. They came to them two fighters of the Armed Forces, in which the form of the Volunteer Unit of the Armed Forces - a separate battalion of special purpose "Wild Field" - can be seen on the form. Dmitry Savchenko is a Ukrainian military, senior lieutenant, deputy chief of staff of the 1st separate assault battalion "Da Vinci", before the war-the founder of the publishing house "Iron Dad".

From August 2005 to March 2014, the man served his sentence in the colony - he received 14 years on charges of terrorism. According to the case file, four men undermined the car of one of the owners of the Troyeshchyna market in Kiev. Everyone was detained, declared sentences, Savchenko did not admit his guilt, the media wrote.

It should be noted that in Ukraine there is an intensification of mobilization and therefore people's deputies have adopted a law on the possibility of conscription of prisoners. It is emphasized that only those who are not convicted of "heavy" articles (murder, violence, road accidents, etc. ) will be taken into the army and whom the units want to see. According to the Ministry of Justice, about 4. 5 thousand prisoners can call, the People's Deputy David Arahamia calls the number up to 20 thousand.