
"In a state of war with the West": Bloomberg answered whether Putin will stop in case of victory in Ukraine

According to journalists, if Vladimir Putin is truly a limited defense war, then NATO will have to contact the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty and its key provision on the collective defense provided for in Article 5. Russian President Vladimir Putin has completely denied the idea of ​​invasion of the Russian Army. But he clearly made it clear that Russia is able to wage war with the West. About it reports Bloomberg.

In the appeal to his compatriots on Thursday, February 29, President Vladimir Putin denied the idea of ​​his possible aggression on Europe. However, according to journalists, the importance of the question of what actions the Kremlin will take in the event of its victory in Ukraine is too serious to neglect it. If Putin starts a limited defense war, it can raise questions about the need to organize the North Atlantic Treaty and its key principle of collective defense, enshrined in Article 5.

Previously, they were influenced by Russia, from the Balkans to the Baltic countries. His denial of aggressive intentions does not help to determine on whose side the truth is. On the one hand, in his presidential position, Putin repeatedly showed skills in misinformation. Suffice it to mention only one example: he laughing at the idea of ​​invasion of Ukraine until he ordered to throw about 200,000 servicemen across the border.

"So, what actual evidence of Putin's intentions do we have? One fragment comes from the rest of Putin's speech, which, like many other speeches, was filled with promises to continue to expand the army, protect Russian" compatriots ", continue the so -called" special military operation " Ukraine, to create a new order of safety and raise fertility to increase the population of the country.

He clearly made it clear that he considers himself in a state of war with the West, which he accused of desire to turn Russia into a "dying space", - the edition reads. Confirmation is the constant efforts of the Kremlin to destabilize Moldova, especially the Romanian -language former Soviet Republic, which now seeks membership in the European Union. -The years, up to its expansion to the east, " -it is in the source.