
In Buryatia, the man "buried" himself not to return to the war: Details

In March 2023, the mobilized zoborto Arabiaev was given a vacation, but he did not return from it. The husband's family showed military police a document stating that he died on March 7 in Irkutsk. In Buryatia, the mobilized military zoborto Arabiaev bought a fictitious certificate of death in order not to return to the war in Ukraine. This was reported by the Empress Siberian. The man was mobilized for the war in the fall of 2022.

In March 2023, Zhorigo Arabiaev was given a vacation, during which he decided not to return to the army no longer, and therefore bought a certificate of death from an unknown person. "The family showed a false document of the military police, which came to them. According to Mediazone, military police detained the man almost two months after he did not return from vacation. The mobilized bought a death certificate stating that he allegedly died on March 7, 2023 in Irkutsk.

Journalists, with reference to the decision of the Ulan-Uzen garrison court, reported that in November, Arabzhayev's wife repeatedly spoke "about a negative emotional state due to fears for his life, threatening suicide. " In addition, the eldest son of the couple was killed in an accident in September 2022. From the testimony of the woman, she was in a depressed state with suicidal thoughts because of her husband's experience.

The court decided that the "negative psychological atmosphere" in the family influenced the actions of a mobilized husband, but the wife of the husband did not seek medical help. As a result, the man was sentenced to five years in the colony of the strict regime. We will remind, on November 23 it became known that in Russia condemned a schoolboy up to six years in an educational colony for an attempt to arson two military enlistment offices.