
Special services of the Russian Federation can be involved in blocking the borders of Ukraine - investigation (photo)

According to journalists, the situation with freight carriers at the borders with Poland and Slovakia was created artificially, so it is difficult to solve in civilized ways. Polish carriers who have organized border border border blocks can interact with Russian special services. This is written on November 22 in his investigation by Guildhall Informing.

According to the agency, it was found that carriers who organized shares on Polish-Ukrainian and Slovak-Ukrainian borders are related to persons who have relations with the Russian Federation. Thus, according to journalists, the official organizer of blocking the border of Poland with Ukraine, according to journalists, is the Polish citizen Rafal Mekler, the owner of the Rafał Mekler Transport transport company.

He is a representative of the branch of the pro -Russian party "Confederation of Freedom and Independence" in the Lublin Voivodeship, which has close ties with Russia. In particular, the leader of the party Janusz Corvin-Mikke, appealed to recognize the occupation of Crimea and visited the annexed peninsula in 2015, where he met with the head of the Russian occupation administration of Crimea Sergey Aksenov.

"Confederation of Freedom and Independence" is also connected with another Polish right organization - "All -Polish youth", which has long -standing ties with the Russian imperial movement, which, according to the agency, among other things, was engaged in the recruitment "LNR". According to journalists, what is happening on the Polish-Ukrainian border, not the first episode of the participation of Polish carriers in campaigns that have signs of Russian active measures.

"With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Rafał Mekler Transport and a number of other Polish companies, participants of current protests, including KAM-Trans, Jata-Trans, Bor-Tom, Glt Polska, KMS LOGISTYKA and PEAns. anti -Russian sanctions, "the investigators clarify.

In addition, on November 16, at the Polish checkpoint "Korchova", the organizers of the action with the co -founder related to the Russian Federation "Confederation of Freedom and Independence" and the leader of the "Confederation of the Polish Crown" Grzegozh Brown.

"With the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation, Grzegos Brown was the only deputy of the Seimas of Poland, who voted against the resolution with the condemnation of Russia, adopted after the disclosure of events in Bucha. Systematically takes a position against the presence of Ukrainian migrants in Poland and is the author of Slogan" Stop Poland, ". Journalists note.

By the way, according to investigators, Guzhegos Brown met in Moscow with a journalist with Russia today Leonid Sviridov, who was deported from Poland for espionage in favor of Russia. "All -Polish youth".

This organization also has connections with the paramilitary right-wing group "The Extraordinary Circle", which cooperates with the neo-Nazi group "Rus", which now fights in the ranks of the Russian army in Ukraine in the territory The owner of PEO-TRANS is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Gordeyuk. Analysis of his pages in social networks makes it possible to establish that the latter is trained in one of the higher military educational institutions of Belarus. Belarus.

The organizers of the action in Slovakia, according to investigators, were representatives of the NGO "Union of Automobile Carriers of Slovakia". Organization, Slovak politician Marian Kotleba, in 2014 wrote a letter to the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, where he compared the Revolution of Dignity with Terrorism.

" We will remind, on Polish-Ukrainian and Slovak-Ukrainian borders carriers continue to block the checkpoints, demanding the return of the system of issuing permits for Ukrainians to work in the EU. And this despite the fact that the European Commission has already stated that compliance with such requirements is not legally possible.