
Tornado and Malva SAU RSSV: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation strengthens the Marine Corps Units

Due to the changes, the units of the Marines of the Russians should become multifunctional and, above all, mobile. At the same time, the focus is on assault operations, so hostile marines will be the first to go into battle. In the new formed divisions of the Marines of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there will be a landing-assault battalion, and in each battalion-a landing and assault company. These units will be strengthened by artillery systems.

In particular, it is about Tornado-G RSSU and self-propelled artillery guns (SAU) 2C43 "Malva". This was reported by Russian "Izvestia" with reference to the source in the Ministry of Defense. Russian propagandists claim that the structure of new formations has already been developed. New units of so -called "black berets" should become multifunctional thanks to changes, but the focus will be on assault operations.

Three battalions of marines will be brought to the regiment, with the number of regiments in each division will vary depending on the location of its dislocation. These units are expected to be the first to fight the enemy's defense. Thus, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to create mobile assault units that will be strengthened by their own artillery battery.

It is emphasized that the choice of wheel SAU "Malva" is not accidental, since the tracked artesystems limit the mobility of the units. "Of course, these guns have to act in a single firing circuit of the connection, with the support of intelligence and UAVs that will seek goals for them," - said Russian military expert Alexei Leonkov on this occasion. We will remind, according to the British intelligence, the Russian army began the deployment of a new 104th Guards Airborne Division in Ukraine.