
"Not signed up": a military expert explained why the Russian Federation does not use nuclear weapons (video)

Nuclear weapons were designed not to use it, but to restrain it, but a breakthrough in the Armed Forces in the Kursk region showed a lack of reserves in Russia, says Andrei Dyky. Despite the threats of the President of the Russian Federation to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, even despite the loss of part of the Kursk region, Russia does not do this for several reasons. A military expert, ATO veteran Yevgeny Dyky, told about it on Channel 24.

"Only in the cinema lies the presidential case, it has a red button. You pressed - it flew. It doesn't work. Lies the presidential case, the red button is pressed and the team goes through several levels of the military hierarchy. No one assume To start a world of nuclear war, all others have not signed it. - explained the wild. He noted that nuclear weapons were designed not to use it, but to restrain it.

The ATO veteran also commented on the information that against the background of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region, the Russian Federation began to transfer its units from the Pokrovsky direction. "Pokrovsk is played a very important role in their strategy. And still they are forced to take people from this direction. Before that they were taken from Burkin-Faso. But there is not much there-this is the whole contingent of 350 fighters. Professional fighters work, "Wild said.

According to him, Kursk special operation found that in Russia there is a lack of reserves. "They were groaned from Zaporozhye, Kherson region. Further fired from the rear from Kharkiv region and it already has consequences. We have very good news from 3 assaults in recent days. Yes, they are moving for 1-2 kilometers there. 1-2 kilometers are serious. Recall that Russia will deal with Ukrainian "bandits" in the Kursk region, which sought to destabilize the situation in the border.