
The Black Sea Fleet of Russia has two options for the future - Danilov

The NSDC Secretary noted that the destruction of his own fleet during the approach of the enemy is a "glorious Russian military reflection" and this tradition should be continued. The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexei Danilov proposed to choose one of two possible options for his further fate - safe or painful. He wrote about it in his account on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

"Two variants of the future for the Black Sea Federation-self-liquidation voluntary or forced. The best and safest way out to preserve the integrity of the property and economic complex of the city of Akhtiar (the old name-Sevastopol) and adjacent territories-voluntary flooding," Danilov wrote. The NSDC Secretary noted that the destruction of his own fleet when the enemy approaches is a "glorious Russian military reflection" and should have a length and tradition of continuity.

The second option proposed by Danilov involves the destruction of the Russian Fleet "on the principle of slicing salami". The Secretary of the Radbeza warned that the process would be painful, but "the Armed Forces strike high -precision shocks exclusively on military infrastructure. " We will remind, on September 20 the Armed Forces successfully struck the command post of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation near Sevastopol.

This information was confirmed by the Armed Forces and GUR Yusov representative. On September 22, explosions were reopened in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. The Black Sea Fleet Headquarters suffered. According to the representative of the Air Force Yuri Ignat, the Russian invaders "restless" in the Crimea for a long time, but this week it is especially noticeable.