
He called to revise his morality: in Zhytomyr, the Armed Forces fighter threw the land of deputies of the City Council (video)

The military called the deputies to the moratorium for consideration of land issues during the war. He protested his protest against the construction of a kiosk on Peace Avenue. In Zhytomyr, a conflict situation occurred at the extraordinary session of the City Council. One of the soldiers who came to the session poured the land on the deputies of the City Council. The police were called. About it reports the local edition "Zhytomyr online". During the session, Yaroslav Khodakivskyi made the audience.

He protested his protest against the construction of Kiosk on Peace Avenue, 25, on the site of the apple -garden. According to him, he several times called the police about the situation with the construction of a kiosk there. "I lived at a hosiery factory for more than 30 years and has been fighting for this land since 2014. I have been fighting on vacation now.

There is an apple garden on Peace Avenue: in 2021 I noticed construction work there, I thought that they were doing a square, I saw that they do the foundation for the kiosk. He added that the Zhytomyr Factory "Hositic Factory" and so the ruin is considered Zhytomyr Shanghai. "Some shops and kiosks. This is my area, I grew up there, it hurts for it. This place should be turned into a seating area, it would be logical," the fighter said.

The military urged the deputies to revise their own moral qualities and a moratorium for consideration of land issues during the war. The mayor of Zhytomyr Sergey Sukhomlin replied that there should also be a square next to the kiosk. According to the mayor, the residents themselves turned to equip it there. "There was an appeal from the people about the square nearby and I understand it, it will be there. But after that people did not come, there was no reaction anymore. Let's meet them again.

I'm ready," said Sergei Sukhomlin. During his speech, the military scattered the land near the rostrum and showered several deputies present in the session hall. After that, clashes began in the session hall near the stand. The police were called. Zhytomyr Mayor Sergey Sukhomlin said that the main task of public activists is to disrupt the session.

After the break in the session, the mayor of Zhytomyr Sergey Sukhomlin announced the proposal to withdraw issues concerning the sale of land from the agenda. "They talked with the heads of factions - although formally in the city council there are now no end of martial law - with the heads of commissions. Since there was a proposal to develop a mechanism or moratorium on the sale Sale of land, "said Sergey Sukhomlin.