
The oldest electric battery or just a strange artifact: what is Parfyan battery (photo)

In 1936, an artifact was found near Baghdad from Baghdad, which gave birth to many theories and speculations-the Parfyan battery. It is a clay jug, which may have been an ancient battery. Electricity, revolutionary power in our lives, has a rich history filled with scientific pioneers. However, among the many amazing discoveries, one artifact intrigued researchers: a battery, about 2000 years of age, belonging to the Parfyan period (about 150 BC - 223 AD), writes Arkeonews.

In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! This artifact was found in 1936 during the construction of the railway near Baghdad, which was once part of the Parfyan Empire. It is a clay jug filled with a solution of vinegar, which contains an iron rod, enclosed in a copper cylinder. Such a configuration generates from about 1. 1 to 2. 0 volts of electricity.

In 1938, the German archaeologist Wilhelm Kenig gave the first description of the jug, noting that it resembles an electric battery. Subsequently, the American scientist Willard FM Gray reproduced the device, confirming its electrochemical capabilities while filling the electrolyte such as grape juice. However, the Second World War prevented further research. The true function of the jug remains the subject of scientific discussions.

Some claim that such artifacts have been used as batteries, but skepticism persists, raising the issue of their origin and purpose. Unfortunately, the lack of written testimony and destruction of Iranian literary sources and libraries in the 7th century. It leaves the exact function of this artifact with a mystery. The main theory suggests that jugs could really serve as batteries.

Scientists suggest that if it is their function, they have been used for galvanics - techniques that are still practiced in Iran. It is to apply a layer of one metal (such as gold) to the surface of the other (for example, silver). To evaluate this find, you should pay attention to the ancient Egyptians in 2750 BC. They recorded their first meeting with electricity in the form of electric fish. Electric catfish, which were called "thunderstorms of the Nile", were surprised and intrigue.

After millennia, in 500 BC. BC, Thales Miletsky discovered that static electricity may occur during the rubbing of light materials on amber. Almost 2,000 years have passed before William Gilbert in 1600 AD seriously examined static electricity. Earlier, Focus wrote about the tomb of an unknown queen. Scientists discovered the architectural miracle of the Etruscans of the 5th century BC. We also talked about the secrets of Trafalgar Square. Archaeologists excavated the ancient city center of London.