
Not a panacea that will bring a victory tomorrow: why the peace of peace won't complete the war - Georin

The key result of the summit should be to accept the world that peace is possible only on Ukraine. In particular, constant support is needed, including weapons, said the deputy commander of the 3rd OSHBD Maxim Zhorin. The Major of the Armed Forces, Deputy Commander of the Third Separate Store Brigade Maxim Zhorin said that Ukrainians should not be perceived by the Peace Summit as a panacea, which would win tomorrow. According to him, Ukraine still has to fight.

He wrote about it in his Telegram channel. He noted that all international events are important, but it is only one of the tools that will allow to strengthen Ukraine's position in the diplomatic plane. Whereas the final result requires a set of measures - strengthening Ukrainian defense opportunities, building MIC, success at the front and militarization of society.

According to Zhorin, the key result of the peace summit should be the adoption of the world of the main message, namely that peace is possible only on the conditions of Ukraine. Moreover, Kiev needs constant support, in particular, weapons. "The only thing you don't want is that Ukrainian society perceives it as a panacea, which will bring a victory tomorrow," Maxim Zhorin said. He added that Ukrainians should live realities where Russia is not going to end the war.

He is convinced that he still has to fight for his country. We will remind, on June 15, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the Russian Federation was not invited to the peace of peace because it was not interested in peace. According to him, it is necessary for the world to decide what a just peace is. On the same day, Presidential Head Andriy Yermak said that Ukraine is ready to present the Russian Federation Mirny Plan. He believes that this can happen at the second world summit.