
"Attacks of the Armed Forces are inevitable": Ukrainian fighters made a breakthrough on the robot-verbove line-isw

According to experts, at least four Ukrainian companies, with a large number of armored vehicles, broke into the position of the Russians on the Raboty and Verbial line after a massive artillery shelling. On September 27, the Ukrainian military continued counterattacks in the west of the Zaporozhye region and reached positions near Verbov, located west of Orikhov, 16 kilometers to the southeast.

About it reports the Institute of War Study (ISW) from geolocation records published on September 26, it is evident that the Russian unmanned aerial vehicle attacks Ukrainian infantrys that are in the trench west of Willow. Such use by the Russian forces of unmanned aerial vehicles implies that the occupiers are probably no longer occupied by trenches, which are located approximately one kilometer west of the willow.

The representative of the Zaporizhzhya region administration Volodymyr Rogov said on September 26 that, according to him, at least four Ukrainian companies with a large number of armored vehicles broke through the positions of the Russian armed forces on the line between Rabotyn and Verbov after intensive artillery shelling.

The Russian military blogger, who is a supporter of Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinsky, commander of the Airborne troops of the Russian Federation, expressed his criticism against the Ministry of Defense of Russia in response to Rogov's statement. He noted that the Ukrainian armed forces have already crossed mine fields and anti -tank fortifications known as the "Dragon Teeth", on the line between Rabotin and Verbov.

He also stressed that the Armed Forces attacks were probably inevitable in this situation. According to analysts, on September 26, the other Russian military declared intense mutual shelling, which take dangerous terrestrial action near Willow and Rabotyn.

Another military responded to the aforementioned statement, claiming that his personal source, related to the Russian 108th Regiment of Airborne Troops (7th Division), reported the presence of intense artillery shelling by Ukrainian forces in the area. He also added that their source provided unclear information about whether the 108th Air Force Regiment was moving in the direction of Verbov, whether he was departing from the area.

In addition, the military said that the Russian military command in Moscow has canceled plans for the redeployment of the Russian 106th Division of the Air Force to the Rabotino area to assist the 7th and 76th Divisions of the Air Force now. The information situation in the Willow area, as ISW points out, remains unclear.

This is due to the fact that well -known Russian military bloggers have reduced activity and ceased to inform in detail about the actions of the Russian Armed Forces on this front line. They also do not report the failures of the Russian forces, which may indicate a change in information policy or the deterioration of the situation at the place of hostilities. We will remind, on September 25 it was reported why Putin wants to stop the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces until October.