
Bribes 130 thousand citizens: in Moldova they revealed a large -scale operation of

According to the publication, $ 15 million was transferred to citizens' accounts. For this they were to spread misinformation and provoke protests. In Moldova, Russia was opened, aimed at affecting the results of the country's referendum to the European Union. According to Bloomberg, 130,000 Moldovans participated in it. According to the head of the National Police, Viourel Chernetian, only $ 15 million was transferred to the accounts of citizens only in September.

For this, citizens had to spread misinformation, provoke protests and destabilize the situation in the country. "Russia aims not only to bribe the voters, but also to provoke protests and to destabilize the situation in the territory of Moldova," said Chernetian Viorel. According to the Chief of Police, payments were made by transfers to cards of the bank related to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Citizens through Telegram received instructions on how to vote and disseminate false information about the EU. Moldova's citizens who have opened bank accounts in Russia to receive money under the voter bribery scheme, threaten a fine, confiscation of property or imprisonment. This was stated by the chairman of the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor's Office Veronica Dagalin during a press conference on October 3, Newsmaker writes.

"We refer to anyone who gave their personal data to open bank accounts in This is not only a fine of more than 37 thousand lei, but also the confiscation of all funds that came to a foreign account . . . We have the right to arrest their property in Moldova: cars, land, houses . . . You are threatened with a fine, confiscation (property - ed. ) or even imprisonment, "Veronica Dragalin said.

She added that those who talk about the scheme would hand over the money and cooperate with the investigation illegally. According to the prosecutor, many already cooperate with law enforcement agencies, so that the details of the scheme have become known. It should be noted that in March, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova, Adrian Efros, stated that a hybrid war, resolved by the Russian authorities, was ongoing in Moldova.