
Due to the threat from the "deadly quartet": Britain wants to strengthen the army in a new way-the media

London believes that the threat that has hanged from China, Russia, Iran and the DPRK is too high because they are working together. British defense is now planned to improve for long -term stability. The United Kingdom is going to significantly strengthen its armed forces, because it pays attention to the threat that comes from the "deadly quartet". This is stated in the material from Reuters.

London believes that it is time to strengthen their defensive opportunities to make sure that the United Kingdom is ready to withstand the countries from which aggression emerges. It is China, Iran, North Korea and Russia. The former NATO Secretary General and Exglav of the UK Ministry of Defense, George Robertson, stated that given the level of threat, you need to take care of preparation in advance.

"We have encountered a deadly quartet of countries that are increasingly operating in joint, and we are in this country and the NATO Alliance, which has met so successfully last week, should be able to resist this quartet, as well as other problems," - quoted Robertson journalists. The new British Prime Minister, Kir Starmer, has also confirmed that London's expenses for defense would increase to 2. 5% of GDP, but he did not name the terms when that happens.

As a result, according to the UK government, this should lead to long -term stability. "At the NATO summit, which took place last week in Washington, it was quite clear that China's call is something that needed to be treated very, very seriously," George Robertson summed up. We will remind, on July 10 it was reported that in the UK there are lacking tanks, artillery and air defense. The new government should solve problems in the royal army that has accumulated for decades.