
Operation "cunning X*Hall": Fighters of the Armed Forces without a single shot captured the village in Kursk region

Residents of the village of Olgovka of the Koreniv district said that the Armed Forces had occupied a settlement under the guise of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kursk region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine seized the settlement of Olgovka without any shot. They went there on the trophy technology of the Russian Federation. This information was extended to Z-Telegrams, and the Armed Forces fighters confirmed it.

Yes, in Russian publications there was information that the Armed Forces had captured Olgovka in Kurkh. "Inhabitants of the village of Olgovka of the Korrenovsky district said that the Armed Forces had occupied a settlement under the guise of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The cunning tactics of the DRG had the following appearance:" came in the clothing of the Russian military as reinforcements for protection.

The technique seems to be a trophy and then put blue dressings and took control of everyone. "A cunning x*hall," the message reads. It became known that the brilliant special operation was conducted by fighters of the 225th separate assault battalion from the Thunder Group. "Then, without a single shot, we took the settlement under control and learned a lot of interesting things about the location of the troops around Olgovka,"-said in the 225th separate assault battalion.