
Britain will build a radar station to monitor China and Russia in space - The Telegraph

According to the UK Minister of Defense John Hili, this station will also help protect space assets and increase humanity's awareness of distant space. The UK will build a radar station to monitor China and Russia's actions in space, as well as protect the most important communication and navigation networks of the United Kingdom. About it writes The Telegraph.

"The radar station for tracking satellites in space will be built in Wales, as the royal military-air forces are preparing to withstand" reckless "cosmic threats from China and Russia," the material reads. The location of the newest British radar station for tracking satellites of the distant radius of action was chosen by barracks in Pembrokshire, previously known as RAF Brawdy.

"This new radar program will not only improve our awareness of distant space, but also help protect our space assets together with our closest partners," said the UK Defense Minister John Hili. According to The Telegraph, China has turned into a space superpower over the last decade by challenging the United States. The PRC launched its own satellite group to compete with the American GPS network. In 2023, China made 222 space launches, second only to the United States.