
From love to hatred: why Poland plays Russia by conducting a trade war with Ukraine

By continuing the border blockade, Polish farmers reduce Ukraine's chances of victory and increase Russia's chances of attacking their country. But the fear of Moscow gave way to election schedules, sadly states journalist Orest Sohar. Political playgrounds . . . with a taste of trade war: why the Poles seek to harm Ukraine . . .

And not only they are afraid to become the next victim of the Kremlin, and at the same time Warsaw jumps out of pants to reduce Kiev's chances of victory: blocks borders and arranges a trade war. All because the electoral interests of politicians are over national security: the struggle for the voter overcomes the survival instincts.

All these "folk festivities" of carriers, and now the farmers are organized by the Polish right -wing party "Confederation", it is indirectly supported by the rights of Andrzej Duda Presidential. They looked at anti -Ukrainian sentiment and will now try to return political control over Poland. In last year's parliamentary elections, PAS took the first place, but could not form the government because the ideological pro -Russian partner of the Confederation gained too little votes.

As a result, the premiere became Donald Tusk, uniting the left. On April 7 and 21, the local elections will take place in Poland, and therefore the right nationalist tandem prefers to seize power at the grassroots level. Among other things, they are going to "cut" voices in the wave of Ukrainophobia. Most of our citizens who live or pass through Poland are unanimous: empathy immediately changed to hatred. The flaw of xenophobia has long since settled in the mentality of Polish society.

The authorities have repeatedly apologized for the genocide against the Jews during the Second World War, but anti -Semitism has not yet weathered. For example, one of the leaders of the "Confederation" Grzegozh Brown in the Diet Fire extinguisher flooded a khanukal candle: they say, in this way he returned the state of equilibrium and normality.

This behavior likes the voter: the Poles have long voted for the right -wing "self -defense" Andrzej Lepper, who was mobilized by a rural electorate with the same methods. The saddest thing is that this game began to play a new one - the left - the premiere of Tusk: on the eve of the election, he is inconvenient to "wind against the wind", he passively beats all this campaign. The protest flash mob, in addition to political, has another component: Ukraine's trade blockade.

It would seem what the Russian Federation is here. Earlier, the Protestants spoke about the protection of the Polish market, now suddenly wrapped up: they say that Ukrainians have displaced them from the German and other European markets. But there is one "but": for 2023/24, Muscovites increased the sale of grain by 2. 3 times.

At the same time, they sell a little less Ukraine in the EU, but… Russian grain is not blocked by no Polish Patriot: the Kremlin needs to return the European Community Markets, and "useful idiots" help in this very much. Interesting fact: in 2022/23 alone, 12 million tonnes of grain from the Russian Federation and only 4. 3 million tonnes from Ukraine "exceeded. This does not mean that this grain has been bought in the EU, but the same - the streams are striking.

In the near future, the Poles are promised to join by farmers of France, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Spain, etc. But they have some other slogans: they no longer call Putin to put on the Bandera and their own government, as it was in Poland. Europeans oppose Brussels' politics. This is a consequence of the activity of European [ultra] right. Much of the right ones should be called not so much pro -Russian, but parasites that feed on Euroscepticism.

They are increasingly familiar with national parliaments, and EU economic problems allow them to look for a targeted audience for manipulation. And in this case, farmers whose hands are warming both their rating and loosening Brussels's economic policy. And in this their interests coincide with Moscow. Although the leaders of the European right - Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban and Slovak Robert Fitzo - openly pour water on the mill of Putin interests.