
"Collective Pressure": Zelensky was told how Russia will be forced to peace

According to the deputy chairman of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva, in the future the world community will convey to Moscow the positions of Kiev, which should be taken into account during peace talks. It should be the voice of not only Ukraine but also most countries. At the second world of peace, which should take place by the end of the year, will continue to implement the points from the peaceful formula, and after that Russia will actually be put before the fact.

The deputy head of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva stated this in a comment to Voice of America. According to him, the inaugural event, which took place in June this year, was very successful and launched the process of solving three important issues, namely: energy and food safety, as well as the return of Ukrainian children. The rest of the points will also work in the future.

"And further on behalf of the world community, those countries that have communications with Russia will transmit these positions of Russia. It will not only be the voice of Ukraine, it will be the voice of the majority in the world. It should be collective pressure. Ultimatums and unilateral conditions - it should listen to the international community and the voice of the majority, " - said Igor Zhovkva.

Separately, the representative of the Presidential Office added that Russia is an aggressor not only for Ukraine, and everyone should be aware that even after the end of the war, Moscow will remain aggressive. In this regard, the world needs to be more prepared when the Russian Federation begins to show a new aggression to anyone. "Aggressive behavior causes problems for everyone.

And when they do not fight aggression, other countries can look at it and say," See, Russia succeeds, why not do something like that ". . . Ukraine can combine forces with civilized countries to combat aggression around the world, " - summed up Igor Zhovkva. We will remind, on June 19, the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak stated that Ukraine can invite Russia to a second summit of peace to develop the formula of future peace talks.