
The new king. That will change Putin in Russia after his election victory

The election of the president of the Russian promises something new, assuming journalist Vadim Denysenko. This time it is not just about the continuation of Putin's powers, but about the revival of absolutist power. Elections in the Russian Federation.

Why are they important to us? Speaking about March Putin's elections, we only focus on two aspects: Putin wins and therefore it is not interesting, and that Putin, in the election, needs to take at least some settlement (while in his plans it is Avdiivka) . In fact, this approach is a great simplification of everything that is happening in the Russian political system now.

Let's start with that, "What is this election?" And the answer here goes beyond the simple throwing of ballots and bringing the result to "more than 80%". It is an election of the formation of a new management system that we can boldly call absolutism. After the march, Prigogine Putin unexpectedly realized that the elites did not even have a hint of conspiracy. And he realized that he did not need to play in such conditionality as the love of the people.

The people, as it turned out, will not go anywhere, because he has neither an ideological alternative nor a competitor for Putin himself. And so, in the triangle "Love-Highway" Putin, boldly rejected love and puts on fear.

The people, at the same time, agreed with the creation of an iron curtain and the transition to the Soviet system of control over the population, but without the creation of a gulag (such a repressive machine in the current environment is simply economically profitable and therefore it will not be reproduced).

In general, a new social contract (interval) will envisage complete state control over the population (including sending to the front) in exchange for the preservation of "Velicia" and maintaining a minimum set of necessary economic goods (it is necessary to suffer in exchange for preserving the status life). But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that these elections, Putin completely upset all previous treaties with elites.

The elites understand this, but they are hostages of fear and the system they created. This does not mean that the heads will fly immediately after the election. But this means that every high -ranking player knows: the balance of balance and equilibrium that has worked earlier is no longer working. And what this new system will be - is still unknown.

With the great fate of probability, we can say that the author of this future system, which can be considered a system of late Putin - transit to Postputin - is Sergey Kirenko, who would very much like to become a gray cardinal within this system. And, by the way, it does not take the model of the USSR as a basis, but the modern model of the PRC (and here the Russians are not ready to invent something new), but at the same time, it is as much as possible.