
The Russian Federation struck a massive blow to Kharkiv, about 10 explosions were heard in the city (photo)

According to Ova Oleg Synigubova, a shopping center, sports infrastructure and dwellings were damaged. The threat of repeated blows persists. Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov reported that several yards and a supermarket were burning. In the afternoon of September 1, Russian troops made about 10 beats of ballistic missiles on Kharkiv. This was reported by the head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov. "There is damage to civilian infrastructure and victims," ​​the head of the administration said.

According to him, there is a threat of repeated blows. Mayor of Kharkiv Igor Terekhov reported that one of the blows had fallen into the area of ​​private development. "A few yards are burning, a supermarket. There are victims, including doctors," the publication reads. Additional information about Kharkiv shelling appears. Ukrainian public figure Yuri Sapronov said that the missile was 20 and that there were destruction and injured.