
Jeff Bezos "won" Ilon Mask: NASA has chosen a Blue Origin missile for a mission on Mars

The New Glenn rocket launcher will send Mars to the orbit of Mars 2 apparatus for the study of the planet's electromagnetic fields. Ilon Musk once called Jeff Bezos "the amateur" in the development of space, but the founder of Blue Origin is ready to get ahead of SpaceX on Mars. NASA has announced that it would send the New Glenn 2 spacecraft to study the electromagnetic fields of the red planet with the help of a new Glenn rocket.

The most interesting thing is that the Blue Origin rocket has never gone to the test flight, Daily Mail writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! Initially, NASA planned that 2 space devices of the ESCAPADE mission would be brought into space on board the Falcon Heavy rocket from SpaceX in October this year, along with the Psyuda probe, which flew to study the asteroid of the same name.

But the Space Agency decided to cancel the launch of the mission on Mars on Ilona Mask rocket launcher because the devices will not be able to enter the correct flight trajectory to get into orbit around the red planet. The report that New Glenn, Jeff Bezos, will be used for the new mission on Mars, appeared after the unsuccessful test flight of Starship Ilona Mask's Starsbore.

It exploded in the air shortly after launching, and Musk is going to use Starship for piloted flights per month and Mars. Two identical ESCAPADE missions will study the effect of the solar wind on the planet's magnetosphere and Mars electromagnetic fields. The launch is scheduled for August 2024 and in 11 months the NASA probes must reach Mars to start scientific activity.

NASA reports that on board Martian orbital researchers there will be devices for measuring a magnetic field, ions and electrons in the magnetosphere, as well as plasma densities and flow of solar particles that reach Mars. The new NASA solution is another section in the long -lasting space race and mask that has already concluded a multi -billion -dollar contract with NASA for the implementation of flights per month.

By the way, Blue Origin is now becoming the first private company to enter into a NASA contract for the implementation of Mars. At the same time, NASA risks a little by making such a decision, as the New Glenn rocket has never performed test flight into space. Initially, Blue Origin planned to launch at the end of 2021 and then at the end of 2022. This launch may take place at the end of this year or at the beginning of the next one.

Therefore, it is not yet known whether the Martian mission of Bezos will be ready for Martian mission by August 2024. Focus has already wrote that to deliver the samples of lunar soil to Earth for the first time in its history, India decided. This should happen in about 5-7 years, and this decision was most likely inspired by the success of the Chandraian-3 monthly mission.