
Promises 20 years in prisons and removal: in the Russian Federation Exudge has filed a lawsuit against Putin (photo)

Putin's explanation, which he substantiated the invasion of Ukraine, can be qualified according to one of the articles of the Russian Criminal Code, a lawyer is confident. Therefore, he appealed to the Supreme Court and awaits the officials. The Russian judge of the arbitration court retired Mikhail Skuratovsky filed a lawsuit against Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the lawsuit, the Russian argued that Putin began unreasonably aggressive war against Ukraine.

For this, it must be removed from the authorities, being sent and prison. The relevant document was published in the Telegram channel of the portal "We-Ukraine". The document, placed by the portal, consists of three sheets, signed by Skuratovsky. Exudy appealed to Vyacheslav Lebedev, the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The source from which the document was received is not indicated. Skuratovsky brought four deployed arguments to explained Putin's actions.

First, the politician referred to the UN Charter, but this cannot be the basis for war, because the so-called "DNR/LNR" is not members of the organization. Secondly, it has no signs of genocide of the Russian people, which they referred to a reason for war. Third, the Russian Federation committed an act of aggression, in accordance with all points from a) to g), which is referred to in the UN resolution adopted in 1974.

Fourth, the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation clearly fall under the definition of aggression formulated by the world community. As a result, he proposes to open criminal proceedings against President Putin under Art. 353 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "For planning and maintenance of aggressive war" (maximum punishment - prison for 20 years). It also requires his removal from power, wrote exudge.

It should be noted that the document published in the channel "We - Ukraine" is not specified. However, there is a signature of Skuratovsky, while the text is published on the computer. You can see the phone number and email on the last page. Currently, the only mention of this document has been found in a post posted on November 21 on a forbidden social network.

On the network you can find information about Mikhail Skuratovsky - a person with that name was indeed an exudge of the arbitration court (until 2012). He is approximately about 60 years old, worked for some time at the Ural State Law University. Other activities were not found. Meanwhile, on November 19, the FSB expatriate of the Russian Federation explained why the media so often a report on the death of Vladimir Putin.

He indicated that the reason for such posts may be the actions of a very influential person from the Kremlin. The latest statements about Putin's death appeared on October 26. Then one of the Russian opposition political technologists published a post in which he reported that the President of the Russian Federation had died, but his death was not reported, but instead use twin.