
In the Russian Federation, the invasion of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region, and soldiers forced to read Roszmi - Guardian

Soldiers in the Kursk region were demoralized. To prevent the invasion of the Armed Forces, the Command made them to dig false trenches and walk with torches. For several months, the Russian military command has developed plans to prevent the invasion of the Armed Forces in the Russian Federation. Russian generals assumed that it would happen and tried to strengthen defensive borders, as well as reduce the number of suicides among soldiers.

This is evidenced by the documents of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, seized by the Ukrainian group of special forces from buildings in Kursk region. The Guardian writes about it. "The disclosure of information among Russian troops after the start of the Armed Forces operation in early August is even more shameful," the journalists said.

Documents provided by Ukrainians also reveal Russia's anxiety in a moral spirit in the ranks in the Kursk region, which intensified after the suicide of a soldier on the front, which was reportedly in a "prolonged state of depression through his service in the Russian army. " The commanders of the units were instructed to ensure daily use of Russian state media soldiers to support their "psychological state".

The Guardian journalists were unable to check the authenticity of the documents independently, although they have the signs of true reports of the Russian army. It is reported that they got acquainted with the documents at the end of August, when they met with the Ukrainian group of special forces, a few hours after they left the territory of Russia.

The group stated that they seized the documents of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from buildings in the Kursk region, and then provided a selection for viewing and photographing. Some of the documents are printed orders sent to different units, and others - manuscript magazines that record events and problems in certain positions.

The earliest records are dated to the end of 2023, and the most recent documents are dated only six weeks before the Armed Forces began surgery in the Kursk region. Most of the documents came from the units of the 488th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, in particular, from the second company of its 17th battalion.

The invasion of Ukraine in the Kursk region found Western partners of Kyiv and many representatives of the Ukrainian elite by surprise, as planning was limited by a very small number of people. But Russian military documents contain information of months of warnings about a possible invasion of the area and an attempt to occupy a judge, a city with a population of 5000 inhabitants, which has been under the control of Ukraine for more than a month.

The record of January 4 was about the "potential of a breakthrough on the state border" of the Ukrainian armed groups and ordered to strengthen the preparation for reflection of any attack. On February 19, units were warned about Ukrainian plans for "rapid promotion from Sumy region to the territory of Russia to a depth of up to 80 km to create a four -day" corridor "before the arrival of the main units of the Ukrainian army on armored vehicles.

" In mid -March, the units at the border were ordered to strengthen the defense borders and "to organize additional training from the management of units and strongholds on the correct organization of defense" as part of preparation for the Ukrainian offensive across the border. In the middle of June, a more specific warning about Ukrainian plans "in the direction of Yunakivka-Sudzha, in order to take the judge under control", which really happened in August.

It was also stipulated that Ukraine would try to destroy the bridge across the Seimas River to break Russian supply lines in the region, which also happened later. The June document complained that the Russian units, placed on the front, "on average are completed only by 60-70% and are mainly composed of reserves with weak preparation.

" When the operation of the Armed Forces began on August 6, many Russian soldiers left their positions, and during the week, Ukraine fully took control of the judge. "They escaped without even evacuating or destroying their documents," said a member of a group of special operations that seized the files.

During the chaotic retreat of the Russian troops of the Armed Forces, hundreds of Russian soldiers were captured, many of whom were conscripts, from which they usually do not expect participation in battles. The parents of one of the conscripts from the second company mentioned in the documents recorded in August video addresses, calling him his 22-year-old son Vadim Kopylov, stating that he was captured near the judge, and urging the Russian authorities to exchange him.

Documents give an idea of ​​Russian tactics in the last year, in one case it is the need to create false trenches and positions to knock out Ukrainian intelligence drones from the panther. "It is necessary to create models of tanks, armored vehicles and artillery installations, as well as dummies of soldiers, and they should be moved periodically," - said in one of the orders.

It also states that several soldiers have to send to false positions to ignite the campfire at night and walk with torches, and that Russia has to organize radio intervals about false positions in order to intercepts them. It is unclear whether such positions have ever been created; Members of the Ukrainian unit who have investigated the area on drones in recent weeks, told reporters that they did not see any evidence of such positions.

In March, Russian documents note that there were more cases where Ukrainian sabotage groups were masked to work in the rear of the Russians, putting on Russian. "To prevent the enemy's penetration into our combat orders . . . Commanders should use the use of the N6 variant, made of materials of 8 cm wide, which is fixed with an invisible tape," - the order is said. Journalists point out that the official reports of the Russian army lies signs of serious problems with the moral spirit at the front.

"Analysis of the current situation with suicide shows that the problem of death of servicemen as a result of suicidal incidents remains tense," one of the records read. It describes the incident, which was reported, happened on January 20 this year, when the soldier-stream committed suicide in his soul, shooting himself in his stomach.

"Investigation of the incident found that the cause of suicide and death was a neuro-psychic breakdown caused by a long state of depression through service in the Russian army,"-reads in the manuscript report on the event. In order to prevent such incidents, the commanders of the units were instructed to identify servicemen "mentally not ready for their duties or prone to deviant behavior, and to organize their redistribution and transfer to military medical institutions.