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The Kursk operation has shown to the world that Ukrainian armed forces are far f...

The Kursk offensive proves: the Armed Forces - the force that will have to be taken

The Kursk operation has shown to the world that Ukrainian armed forces are far from the same year. Not feeling fear of Russia, being able to plan and conduct large -scale offensive operations and guarantee unprecedented operational security for them, Ukraine has received more military capabilities for further development of Kursk offensive operation of Ukraine for more : raising the morale of Ukrainians and humiliation of Vladimir Putin.

Although both of these factors are useful for Ukraine, they are likely to remain ephemeral. Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, for obvious reasons, are glad because their troops are fighting on a hostile land, but for Putin and the Russian armed forces, a sense of shame is not something new. Indeed, the war in Ukraine is largely the story of humiliation of Russia, since the first days of counteracting the Russian invasion, which, according to the forecasts, should last a week.

Focus translated the article by the founder of the non -profit organization Anamaly David Plater about the details of the Kursk operation and its strategic consequences for the Russian Federation. The most important consequences of "Kursk" can be much longer and capable of changing the course of a dead end.

First of all, it is a demonstration of escalation boundaries, practical proof of the concept of a large -scale strategic raid, as well as the indisputable suddenness and operational security of the operation. Since the beginning of the war, Western countries have been important but cautious partners of Ukraine. Significant conventional military power of Russia and its huge nuclear arsenal limit the speed and scale of Ukraine's support by the event.

In the light of Ukrainian successes, Russia shows negligence, and it seems that Western partners are swinging it on the mustache. At the time of writing the article, the UK Prime Minister, Kir Starmer and US President Joe Biden, discussed the opportunity to allow Ukraine to launch a long-standing radius of action in Russia. Putin's helpless response to the Kursk offensive can only strengthen their intention to give Ukraine a long -range weapon that she so desires.

In the context of Ukraine's limited capabilities, to demonstrate its strategic achievement in the field of maneuvering during NATO training and honed in its own experience, Kursk operation enables Ukraine to prove its development. After the counter -offensive of 2023 failed to achieve significant territorial successes, Kursk, meanwhile, demonstrates that Ukrainian troops have made significant progress in the difficult art of maneuverable war with the use of combined weapons.

At least five Ukrainian brigades have successfully coordinated a breakthrough and penetration into an unfamiliar hostility - an unprecedented achievement for a young army that is growing rapidly and still suffering from congenital but inevitable growth diseases. Thus, Kursk became proof of new Ukrainian ability to carry out strategic raids. Ukraine should make a choice: try to keep your new Russian possessions as a coin or retreat and prepare for the re -use of your newly groid raid potential.

Ukraine's ability to conduct a massive sudden attack involving several brigades so that neither friends nor enemies have learned anything, also unprecedented. Compared to the much more limited Belgorod invasion of 2023, the level of secrecy around this attack is just the sky and the earth. In the conditions of ubiquitous social networks and smartphones, conducting a military operation of such a scale with full suddenness - this is the level of operational safety of the industrial era.

This may be the most incredible side of the entire Kursk offensive. If Ukraine can repeat such a feat, it will add a significant and unexpected new dimension to its operations. Despite its immediate success, military analysts are still arguing about the expediency of Kursk offensive. The impact on the moral spirit of Ukrainians and Russians will weaken, and the final tactical result of the offensive still needs to be determined.

One way or another, this operation has shown to the world that Ukrainian armed forces are far from being that last year. Not feeling the fear of Russia, being able to plan and conduct large -scale offensive operations and guarantee them unprecedented operational security, Ukraine has received more military capabilities for further development.