
Hungary's army is exacerbated by Leopard 2A7hu tanks of a new version that Germany has delivered (photo, video)

New tanks are designed for the 11th tank battalion of the 1st armored brigade, which gradually writes out the old T-72M1. Hungary's Defense Minister Christoph Salai-Bobrovnitsky reported that Germany had set new Leopard 2A7HU tanks to the country. Thus, the total number of these modern combat vehicles in the Hungarian army reached 24 units. Army recognition writes about it. Supplies are carried out under a program for the modernization of the country's armed forces, started several years ago.

Recent supplies were made between September 25 and August 28. The purpose of the Hungarian leadership is 48 LOOPARD 2A7HU tanks, which were ordered in 2018. New tanks are designed for the 11th tank battalion of the 1st armored brigade, which gradually writes out the old T-72M1. The transition to new weapons is facilitated by the fact that 12 LOOPARD 2A4 tanks, which Hungary has previously purchased, serve as training machines for crews.

In addition to Leopard 2A7HU, the Hungarian government also ordered in 2018 five Wisent 2 repair and evacuation machines, three LEGUAN 2HU bridgers, 12 Leopard 2A4 tanks for training and 24 self-propelled PZH 2000 artillery systems. in 1. 6-1. 8 billion euros. Supplies are expected to be completed by the end of 2028. In the future, Hungary can consider additional defense purchases, such as the KF51 tank, developed by Rheinmetall.

The modified version of the German Tank Leopard 2A7 is distinguished by some improvements designed specifically for the Hungarian army. Leopard 2A7HU is a new version of the German Leopard 2A7. The combat vehicle is equipped with a smooth-bore gun Rh120 L/55 caliber 120 mm, a machine gun FN MAG, 7. 62 mm and a 12. 7 mm large caliber machine gun M2 at the FN Herstal remote-controlled station.

The 66-ton tank is equipped with a MTU MB 873 KA-501 engine with a capacity of 1500 k/s with a maximum speed up to 70 km/h. One of the main improvements is the strengthening of the roof armor and a new fire tracker fire control system, which automatically tracks the target with the help of a thermal imaging chamber. We will remind that in Belarus the complexes "Polonaz-M" were tested, which can allegedly strike at 300 km.