
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation unfolds the newly formed 104th Division of the Air Force near Kherson-Intelligence

The British Defense Ministry noted that the soldiers of the formation are likely to be poorly trained and are unlikely to meet the former standards of elite units of Russian Air Force. The Russian invaders began to deploy a new 104th Guards Airborne Division in Ukraine for the first time. This unit, which was spoken by the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu in August, is probably stationed in the Kherson region.

On November 30, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom. British intelligence notes that at the end of the summer, Shoigu announced plans for reproduction of the 104th Guards Division of the Air Force, which in 1998 was reduced to the brigade warehouse. The division will include the 337th Regiment, an additional maneuverable regiment and the 52nd artillery brigade. Thus, the number of airborne divisions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will increase to five.

"The division is likely to be poorly trained and is unlikely to meet the former elite standards of Airborne. It will be almost certainly under the close attention of the Russian General Mikhail Teplinsky, responsible for the Kherson direction," the statement reads. The division itself was created in 1944, and at that time it was a Guards Rifle Division. Until 1946, it was fully formed and reorganized into the 104th Guards Airborne Order of the Kutuzov Division.

In 1998, the Division was reduced to the brigade. The unit at one time participated in hostilities in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Yugoslavia. After the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the brigade participated in the capture of Gostomel, where she suffered losses, confronting with Ukrainian defenders from the 80th ODSBR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Earlier it was reported that on the left bank of the Dnieper Kherson direction of the Armed Forces were created a bridgehead.