
Threat to the Russian Federation and China: New Overwater drones will intercept ships in the high seas

According to the technical characteristics requested by the Pentagon, new type drones will have to be overcome up to 1852 km with a amount of 453 kg weighing. Pentagon is looking for contractors for the production of small unmanned surface boats that would be fast and maneuverable. They are planned to be used as interceptors, reports Wreaking Defense.

The US Navy requires small -sized drones (SUSV) capable of autonomously overcome hundreds of miles, patrolling certain areas, tracking marine surplus threats and, in case of detection, block their promotion. The interceptors will have to act in groups, coordinated and clearly, and, if necessary, act independently from each other in an attempt to intercept the enemy vessel.

According to the technical characteristics requested by the Pentagon, new type drones will have to overcome 500-1000 nautical miles (926-1852 km,-ed. Using diesel fuel. Vehicles should be able to do it for several days, while maintaining a sufficient fuel in order to return to the base and be able to move at a speed of 35 knots (64. 7 km/h - ed. ) Or faster.

The publication writes that the development will be most likely to be under the framework of the Replicator program, initiated by the Deputy Defense Minister Kathleen Hicks. The program, among other things, is aimed at the development of autonomy technologies. Also, as part of the Pentagon program, it plans to be adopted by a large number of unmanned systems in 2 years. As for unmanned boats, the customer would have a circulation about 120 or more, units per year.