
More than 12 thousand people: during the year of the war in Ukraine, the number of millionaires increased by 16% - Getmantsev

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance stated that in 2023 Ukrainians filed 266 thousand declarations on property and income. In 2023, 12 thousand 374 Ukrainians filed declarations worth over UAH 1 million. This is 16% more than in 2022. The chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance Danilo Getmantsev informed about it on Telegram. Getmantsev shared the results of the declaration of income received in 2022.

According to him, in 2023 Ukrainians filed 266 thousand declarations on property and income. The amount of declared income amounted to UAH 147. 92 billion. According to him, a large part of the declarations (112 thousand) was submitted in connection with the use of the right to a tax rebate. The amount of personal income tax to be returned from the budget is UAH 444. 08 million. "At the same time, the number of declarations in the amount of more than UAH 1 million increased by 16%.

Such declarations were filed by 12374 people," Getmantsev wrote. He stated that the number of millionaires year by year increased by 2863 people. The tax liabilities on payment of payment to the budget by such "millionaires" were determined in the amount of UAH 2 756. 0 million, from the military levy - UAH 526. 5 million. Getmantsev noted that according to the results of the declaration of income by individuals in 2023, 4 539.